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Please see {{Icon}}


Icon  Type  Code 
Newcookie.gif Cookie {{i|a|c}}
Halfcookie.gif Cookie (Half) {{i|a|ch}}
Spincookie.gif Cookie (Spinning) {{i|a|cs}}
Icon  Type  Code 
Unbooks mousepad.PNG Author of the Month {{i|a|author}}
Award.png Award {{i|a|a}}
Award ribbon.png Award Ribbon {{i|a|ar}}
US one dollar bills.png Cash {{i|a|cash}}
Chromecrapper.PNG Chrome Crapper {{i|a|cc}}
Featured UnTune.png Featured UnTune {{i|a|cd}}
Diamond Dumper.png Diamond Dumper {{i|a|dd}}
Goldstein award.png Emmanuel Goldstein {{i|a|eg}}
Feather fedora.png Feather in Your Cap {{i|a|fiyc}}
Foolitzer.png Foolitzer Prize {{i|a|foo}}
Goldurinal.gif Gold Urinal {{i|a|gu}}
IoTM.PNG Implementor of the Month {{i|a|iotm}}
JesseAward.jpg Jesse Award {{i|a|jesse}}
Lifetime Achievement.png Lifetime Achievement {{i|a|la}}
Mediocre.png Mediocre Achievement {{i|a|ma}}
Noob Of The Year Trophy.png Noob of the Year {{i|a|noty}}
Outstandingouthouse.PNG Outstanding Outhouse {{i|a|oo}}
Ketchup1.jpg Potatochopper of the Month {{i|a|pcotm}}
Mo-Poty.jpg Potatochopper of the Year {{i|a|pcoty}}
Playwright of the Month badge.png Playwright of the Month {{i|a|potm}}
Pls.gif Poo Lit Surprise (Animated) {{i|a|pl}}
Platinumpisser.gif Platinum Pisser {{i|a|pp}}
Poo Lit Surprise Logo.png Poo Lit Surprise (Original) {{i|a|pls}}
Spleen-heart.png Spleen Heart {{i|a|sh}}
Sophiasatisfaction.png Sophia Satisfaction {{i|a|ss}}
Urkel heart.jpg Urkel Heart {{i|a|uh}}
RadioPotato.png Weiner of the Month {{i|a|uwotm}}
Writer of the month.png Writer of the Month {{i|a|wotm}}
Icon  Type  Code 
ArticleWhisperAward.png The Article Whisperer {{i|a|taw}}
ArticleWhisperAwardBronze.png The Article Whisperer Bronze {{i|a|tawb}}
ArticleWhisperAwardGold.png The Article Whisperer Gold {{i|a|tawg}}
ArticleWhisperAwardSilver.png The Article Whisperer Silver {{i|a|taws}}
Icon  Type  Code 
Hammerbadge.png Admin of the Month {{i|a|aotm}}
MicrophoneBadge.png Article Narrator of the Month {{i|a|anotm}}
Bff.png BFF Award {{i|a|bff}}
Botm3.jpg Benson of the Month {{i|a|botm}}
BOTM.jpg Benson of the Month OG {{i|a|botm0}}
MoneySignBadge.png Find $$$ {{i|a|f$}}
FBotM badge.PNG Frat Bro of the Month {{i|a|fbotm}}
FotMBadge.png Fag of the Month {{i|a|fotm}}
Craproll.png Gobshite of the Month {{i|a|gotm}}
Goldcraproll.png Gobshite of the Year {{i|a|goty}}
MotM.png Magicion of the Month {{i|a|motm}}
N00baward.jpg Boob of the Month {{i|a|n00b}}
N00baward.jpg Boob of the Month {{i|a|n00b}}
Pee reviewer of the month award.png Reviewer of the Month {{i|a|rotm}}
SMotM.png Snowman of the Month {{i|a|smotm}}
SotM.png Sock of the Month {{i|a|sotm}}
Toiletbadge.png Comedian of the Month {{i|a|tcotm}}
UNPotM.png UnProviser of the Month {{i|a|unpotm}}
UotF.png Uncyclopedian of the Future {{i|a|uotf}}
BePrepared.png Uncyclopedian of the Month {{i|a|uotm}}
Uncyclopedian.png Uncyclopedian of the Year {{i|a|uoty}}
Vanity Award.png Vanity of the Month {{i|a|votm}}
FBotM badge.PNG Frat Bro of the Month {{i|a|fbotm}}
ZotMBadge.png Zombie of the Month {{i|a|zotm}}
Icon  Type  Code 
CUN.svg CUN - Order of Uncyclopedia {{i|a|cun}}
DUN.svg DUN - Order of Uncyclopedia {{i|a|dun}}
GUN.svg GUN - Order of Uncyclopedia {{i|a|gun}}
KUN.svg KUN - Order of Uncyclopedia {{i|a|kun}}
MUN.svg MUN - Order of Uncyclopedia {{i|a|mun}}
OUN.svg OUN - Order of Uncyclopedia {{i|a|oun}}
MUNSTS.png MCN - Order of Uncyclopedia {{i|a|mcn}}
OUN ret.svg OUN retired - Order of Uncyclopedia {{i|a|ounr}}
Potatohead indigo.png Indigo Potatohead {{i|a|p0}}
Potatohead aqua.png Aqua Potatohead {{i|a|p1}}
Potatohead cyan.png Cyan Potatohead {{i|a|p2}}
Potatohead green.png Green Potatohead {{i|a|p3}}
Potatohead lime.png Lime Potatohead {{i|a|p4}}
Potatohead gold.png Gold Potatohead {{i|a|p5}}
Potatohead orange.png Orange Potatohead {{i|a|p6}}
Potatohead red.png Red Potatohead {{i|a|p7}}
Potatohead violet.png Violet Potatohead {{i|a|p8}}
Potatohead brown.png Brown Potatohead {{i|a|p9}}
Potatohead silver.png Silver Potatohead {{i|a|p10}}
Potatohead white.png White Potatohead {{i|a|p11}}
Banana aqua.png Aqua Banana {{i|a|aquab}}
Fries.png Aqua Fries {{i|a|aquaf}}
Puzzlepotato aqua.png Aqua Puzzle Potato {{i|a|aquap}}

{{I}} Other Image Banks

  1. {{Ninjastars}}
  2. {{Logos}}
  3. {{Awards}}
  4. {{Flags}}
  5. {{Smiley}}
  6. {{Celeste}}

Character Banks

  1. {{`}} (ASCII)
  2. {{E}} (HTML)
  3. {{Emoji}}