Forum:Why Uncyclopedia is not to my liking

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Forums: Index > Village Dump > Why Uncyclopedia is not to my liking
Note: This topic has been unedited for 3066 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

I just don't like Uncyclopedia. I think it's a bit annoying. Like what you guys call funny. I mean, funny? Do you have to define what funny is? Can't you just let people write? Or... I'm guessing that's what ?pedia is for. Anyway, Uncyc has too many rules (at least what I think). So... yeah. Icons-flag-au.png XY007talkcontributions 10:16, 2 June 2015 (UTC)

My articles should had seriously been featured. If you are bad at comedy just write like me.

You should also see the wikia wasteland on the other side of us which has way more dumb rules. --WELCOME TO UNCYCLOPEDIA HELL!!!! Offensive flag.png 15:20, 2 June 2015 (UTC)

Uncyclopedia is not to my licking either. My computer screen and ipad are both too dirty to lick. Admin DAP Dame Pleb Com. Miley Spears (talk) 22:32, 2 June 2015 (UTC)
Mr-ex777, I have never liked Wikia, especially not Wikia Uncyc. Icons-flag-au.png XY007talkcontributions 23:06, 2 June 2015 (UTC)
Uncyclopedia is the worst and has been the worst constantly for almost ten years (and counting!). --Sai.png Jack Phoenix, professional killer admin (Whine?) (Wikia ads) 23:45, 2 June 2015 (UTC)
Written a few articles here and there: like An_article_consisting_of_nothing_but_eighteen_images_of_mustelids and Bahamas. Also, did you know that Frodo Baggins has an Illogicopedia article? He is a Dutch mink farmer with laser-beam eyes. Icons-flag-au.png XY007talkcontributions 00:18, 3 June 2015 (UTC)
HTFANJS is less of a definite rulebook and more of a set of guidelines to try to insure that people don't write complete crap and spill it all over the place. It even says at the top of the page that it's an ignorable policy that nobody cares about (paraphrasing). Basically we'd like most stuff to be coherent. Beyond that, what is funny is King. If you can make pointless rambling funny then it's cool. If you can't then it's shit. Sort of. Honestly we have a lot of articles, even featured ones, which don't adhere strictly to any of the sets of guidelines on the website, because they're done in such a way that they're funny for what they are. Generally we want you to be writing with a purpose, and generally it's okay if the only purpose is to be funny. Just writing for the sake of putting words on a page is certainly a thing that people do, and it's certainly a thing that people probably enjoy, but it just isn't what Uncyclopedia is here for. It's here for making an honest attempt at humor. And sometimes those attempts at humor are going to fail. And that's okay. Failure to make somebody laugh isn't the end of the world. To that end we try to do what we can to help people become better at writing. Except not so many people are active right now so we really don't do a great job of that anymore. But that's the gist of why things are the way they are. -RAHB 03:56, 3 June 2015 (UTC)
Fnard. Icons-flag-au.png XY007talkcontributions 04:49, 3 June 2015 (UTC)

I can't remember the last time someone on here tried to preach to me about what was funny and what wasn't. Oh wait, yes I can. Leverage (talk) 12:28, 3 June 2015 (UTC)

Snarf. Icons-flag-au.png XY007talkcontributions 22:53, 3 June 2015 (UTC)

Je suis soif, non soif, du omelette du fromage. Omelette! Omelette, je dit! V'la qui vaout! Vaout, je dit! Non non non hein, je... c'est tchi a pas trop mal, hein... Au Canada, au Australia, en l'Ocean Pacifique, je vais est-ce que sais je dois. Je dors. Tu est la vaout. Non vaout, est-ce que c'est non fait. Omelette du les chives! Omelette, du tomate. Tomates, produits en Andorre... Non! Tomates, produits en Espagne! Non hein, j'apprends le parle du Catalan. Hein, hein. Bien, bien. Très bien merci. Non trop tchi mal pas fait de produits de Finlande, de Suisse et de Grece. Non, non, non hein! Je dors. Tu fait la vaut dors? Non v'la qui chi a pas trop mal! Mal! Je suis nul, je dit! Non fait dit! Non fait produits pas du tomates en France, ou en Belge, ou en Allemagne. Non, non, non! Oui, oui, je suis non c'est vrai la parle du Catalan ou du Chinois. Non, non, trop pas mal. Tcheu nous? Non fait nous siez des articles. Parfait. Especiallement, un parfait de tomates, et oranges et pommes. Tomates produits en Espagne ou Portugal, oranges produits en Malta, et pommes produits en tout pays en Europe exceptements des Latvia. Non fait produits ici la-bas e chi Latvia! Non fait parle la nom du Catalan ou du Galicien! Non, non, non! Je dit multiplient, je dit musela,! je dit nutella! Tomates, bananes et ananas. Parfait. La tomates produits en Espagne (non fait produits en Portugal), mais bananes produits en Latvia ou Lithuania, et ananas produits en Inde, ou Chine, ou Burma. Omelette du parfait, hein! Parfait hein! Au Canada, au Andorre, au Finlande, de parfait aux pommes, tomates, fromage (qu'il produits en Sud-Afrique et Namibie), et lait du pure produits en Pays-Bas. Non fait produits on Pays-Bas, je dois dire la-bas non fait il. Non! Non! Non c'est productif et sportif hein! Ananas du parfait, et omelette aux parfait, en pommes au Galicien, et tarte aux pommes, oranges et bananas. Framboises! Est la framboises très fine. Bien, bien hein! Chi a pas trop mal de vois. Dave vous? Non fait do 'il fait! Oranges et framboises en la parfait aux omelettes du fromage. Omelette? Non. Omelette du fromage aux parfait, aux ananas, oranges, framboises, tomates aux Andorre, et gaufres Belgique. Ha hah hein!? Bien gaufres. Je dit amour e t'aime la gaufres de voie de Andorre. Non, non, non hein! Non hein! Chi a pas trop mal chi tcheu voir. Dave est fait du lait pure. La produits, exemplement la parfait du tomates aux Latvia, la parfait du omelette aux oeufs aux Estonia, non non non! Hein ananas, ce ananas ici, tomates la voie aux non fait-il. Faits-tu Belgique? Non, a non. A vous dit quelle oranges, et parfait de gaufres aux Andorre. Non très bien de fine di chi a pas trop mal Sud-Afrique et lait non-tomaton bananas. Et ananas, ananas non fait de Lithuania, mais la Russie. Russie est ananas! Oignon, oignon, je suis c'est quelle dit un omelette du oignons de ananas aux Latvien style.

La vaut on voir ne pas mal tchi au oranges et framboises non fait aux oignons, hein? Non, non. Oui, oui, oignons, tomates et pommes de terre. Oignons au Russie, mais la Lithuania ou Estonia. Tomates au Italie, ou Espagne, ou Andorre. Framboises au pommes de terre aux Estonia et Ukraine. Non, non. Aux Latvien parfait aux gaufres de fait ananas. Ananas aux Lithuanie! Omelette non soif, et il a faim, y non fait pause de te non qu'il va sont fait est la voir. Tcheu que vont se non qui fait alors? Avoir le scene est gaufres de mal au nul non fait framboises au bacon, de voie non faut qu'il parce la dit que non fait oignons faut ferrie ne bois.

Icons-flag-au.png XY007talkcontributions 02:38, 5 June 2015 (UTC)


If there is any progress at this site then it will probably be moving away from HTBFANJS (which even as a beginner I never properly read) and moving past its identity as a humorous encyclopedia (which it shares with not only its Wikia counterpart but also of course Illogicopedia) to a comedy writing site that is mainly involved in experimentation. Spike's comedy advice has never been to my liking: in my second article method acting (which I just copied here), I claimed the method was invented by a fictional Frenchman of the same name and Spike found a real historical figure, the Baron of Acton or something, and wrote to me that he would be more suitable because Uncy is a satire site and using real people is satire whereas fictional people is not. You'll see I did take this on board by writing that Roger Ebert wrote a play review simply because he is one of the only critics with an Uncyclopedia page.

Anyway, the point is that those kind of arbitrary and superficial rules undermine beginners in a number of ways that I don't want to go into, and if we do not want this site flooded with beginners' cruft then we must advertise the userspace article because when I first joined I thought the only way to save an unfinished article was with the Construction tag, which brought me Spike's unsolicited tips.

I think that HTBFANJS needs a serious rewrite for a more - shall we say - liberal site. ~EveryOtherUsernameWasTaken(dtf?) 18:20, 5 June 2015 (UTC)

What Spike was getting at was that making up a name isn't as funny as having a name that itself is funny. It just helps to increase the rate of jokes in the article and stops people getting bored of the repetitions of made-up names (that have no joke) and numbers that get tiring after reading them in 100 different articles. Sir SP1 19:20, 5 June 2015 (UTC)
Your post violates our arbitrary and superficial rules. From now on post all your comments in your user space where we can ignore them. :D OK really I think promoting editing in user space is a really good idea. Admin DAP Dame Pleb Com. Miley Spears (talk) 05:11, 7 June 2015 (UTC)
I realise that but what he was literally doing, telling a new writer that "1st Baron of Acton" is funnier or better than "Methód Actin" was misleading to me, and I think that if I had listened to him it would simply have meant that I'd write articles that were a wee bit more similar to his style, whereas I think the trick is to not get bogged down by names or dates or places if you're not Rene Goscinny and the joke you thought of has nothing to do with those details but they are still necessary to form a coherent sentence or whatever. ~EveryOtherUsernameWasTaken(dtf?) 20:13, 5 June 2015 (UTC)
Interesting. Yes I agree, EOUWT. Icons-flag-au.png XY007talkcontributions 23:37, 7 June 2015 (UTC)
Hey so I've been away from the site for a bit, but I have always been in favor of updating HTBFANJS. I believe many people have tried and abandoned their updates part way, so this will likely require a community effort to be pulled off successfully. At some point there will need to be a community vote on wether or not we all like the new version, but before that we will need a new version to vote on. I would be happy to help with the update, especially if pictures are needed. You can find me on IRC any time. -- The Zombiebaron 19:10, 9 June 2015 (UTC)

Well then

Mee, mee, mee! Mee noodles! Ta hah! But that's all I see at the moment. For your free consultation, call 03-1234-5678! Icons-flag-au.png XY007talkcontributions 01:56, 15 June 2015 (UTC)