User talk:ComradeSlice

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You're a commie?[edit source]

How would you like to join the Grue Army, and help spread communism to the masses here on UnCyc? --High Gen. Meganew (Stuff I've Done) (Chat With Me) (Get an Award!) FORCES ENLIST MUN 23:18, December 12, 2010 (UTC)

Sure! Where do I sign up? :D --ComradeSlice 01:51, December 13, 2010 (UTC)
You sign up here. You'll start off as a soldier, then work your way up the ranks to High General. By reporting vandals to Ban Patrol, QVFDing bad articles, and reverting edits, page blankings, and other hostile actions caused by vandals here, you earn plusses that will increase your rank. --High Gen. Meganew (Stuff I've Done) (Chat With Me) (Get an Award!) FORCES ENLIST MUN 02:07, December 13, 2010 (UTC)

So I saw you joined.[edit source]

To start off, add yourself to one or more of the squadrons located at the Base of Operations. Whichever ones you choose will determine your jobs as a part of the group.

Now realize that your conversion of people to communism is on your own time. And sadly, yes, you'll be forced to work with capitalists(but most of them are friendly, don't worry). Now when you do good deeds, you report them here, and you'll be a High gen. in no time! Now get to it, man, and be sure to bring some vodka! --High Gen. Meganew (Stuff I've Done) (Chat With Me) (Get an Award!) FORCES ENLIST MUN 20:35, December 15, 2010 (UTC)

Da, I shall, Comrade! --ComradeSlice 20:44, December 15, 2010 (UTC)

Almost forgot to put this helpful template on your talk page.


Having recently joined the Grue Army, you are now allowed access to all Grue Army places and files with your level Phi clearance.

Accessible areas:
Your current fighter craft is the TIE Heavy Fighter. Should you wish to have a new one, place a message on the Commanding Officer's talk page, and he'll try to get you what you want. Look over the current war updates to browse our list of fighters.

Grue Army Main Base. Assign yourself to a squadron or two, then begin to carry out the primary orders of your squadron. The list of currently active vandals is at the bottom of the page. Study it, as you may come up against these foes during your tenure here.

Grue Army Peacekeeping Base. Should you assign yourself to Blue Squadron, you must add your name onto the list of Blue Squad members, plus send your training sheet to my talk page.

Grue Army Outpost Beta. Another secondary base specifically assigned to Twin Suns Squadron. If you join their ranks, add the template onto your userpage, add yourself to the list, and be sure to read the job information.

My talk page. If you have any information you wish to find out about the Grue Army, ask me on my talk page, and I will lie make something up give you the answer.

Grue Army Surplus And Treasury. Create an account here, and you'll be able to purchase whatever surplus we currently have. You will gain credits for following your squadrons' primary orders.

Current War Updates. Review this page to determine what your enemies are using, as well as updates of the Un-Wiki War. If you've found new war material for the Uncyclopedian Alliance, add it to the list. If you've found out about a new Wikipedian class of ship/vehicle/troop, add it as well. If you have heard about or seen a new battle, add it.

The Code of War. It explains some basic information about the Grue Army just like this template right here. It may be a bit out of date, but that will be fixed soon.

You are also allowed to add the following templates to your userpage:

This user is an Assault Soldier and is pWn1ng n00bs with their quarter gun.

bu-N This user is a native speaker of Bullet and can fire high-caliber rounds in full-automatic mode.

Grue Jammy.gif
This user has joined The Grue Army to help Uncyclopedia kill vandals, and help users. Please join today!
Grue Jammy.gif

You may gain awards for particularly impressive acts of valor. These will include promotions, free material, and credit bonuses. Now MOVE OUT, SOLDIER!!! --High Gen. Meganew (Stuff I've Done) (Chat With Me) (Get an Award!) FORCES ENLIST MUN 17:23, December 16, 2010 (UTC)

Reviews and greetings and pie[edit source]

Hello. Greetings. Etc. I see you have taken an interest in the Pee Review; this is good. Most folks don't bother to even try to review articles for others when they submit a request, and yet you did two... the problem is, however, that the reviews you did were a bit less than in-depth, so if you could please reread the guidelines before filling out any further reviews, it would be appreciated. You can also look at what the steel kidneys have done for examples of what constitutes as good reviews, as theirs tend to be of fairly high quality... anyway, I hope that helps you be more in-depth and subsequently more helpful in the future; this is by no means an attempt to drive you away, just do better.

Although there is one other thing - when people 'book' reviews (say that they are going to do them), they generally do so so that other people don't review them in the meantime, since often multiple reviews will be redundant, cause edit conflicts, hard feelings, etc, and if a person wants another review, they can always just put up another review request. As there tend to be plenty of other articles in the queue also needing reviews, please stick to the unbooked ones in the future unless they really need something said, eh?

Also, pie. Cheers.1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 19:56, 27 December 2010

Hello Comerade Slice[edit source]

You'd be wanting to read this and fix your sig accordingly. Thanks. ~Jewriken.GIF 17:47, December 28, 2010 (UTC)