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Valis77 mugging for the Party Van, circa Last November.

Background[edit | edit source]

Valis77 -- or Promise Delon Redmond as he's known to terrified children across the state of Kansas due to being a registered sex offender -- is among the legion of sexual deviants clogging the Tubes. Fancying himself an e-celebrity, Valis77 delights his thousands of subscribers with his poorly-made Let's Play videos.

Being of simple Midwestern stock, Valis77 is easily amused, therefore rather than being satisfied with quality content leading to a modest upload count, he sees the upload count as an end unto itself. With that in mind, our hero gleefully inflates his own upload count with horrendous side productions, thinly veiled as contextually relevant by the appending "Let's" to the beginning of the title, seemingly almost as an afterthought. Some examples include:

  • Let's Listen - In which he "entertains" his audience with a(n arbitrary) selection of video game music deemed "good enough to feature. These videos are quick and dirty and are likely meant to boost his upload count.
  • Let's Eat - In which he eats food on camera while wearing cheap sunglasses and some stupid ass green fucking hat. Keeping true to the stereotype, this series does include a video featuring Church's Chicken. A perfunctory search revealed no videos involving watermelon, but it's likely only a matter of time.
  • Let's Travel - In which he films a heart-pounding five-part series about going to Radio Shack to buy an audio cable splitter.
  • Let's Tutorial - In which he films himself in the process of setting up his shiny new Dazzle, ostensibly, in order to capture PS2 videos. It more or less fails as a tutorial due to the fact that he mentions that he "hopes it works" right in the video description.
  • Let's Celebrate Valis77's fucking Birthday - In which he forces us to "celebrate" by listening, inexplicably, to video game music. The delicious cake is featured in a "Let's Eat" video.
  • Let's Open - Christmas presents. Here he butchers the English language particularly badly while trying to explain why he considers his sister's godparents to be his own godparents as well.
  • Let's Challenge - In which he accepts challenges from his adoring fans to LP a certain game, but with stipulations such as never being hit or killed. If his normal LPs are any indication, these challenges likely take him weeks to film and splice together. PROTIP: Challenge him to post the outtakes from the Let's Challenge videos.
  • Let's Test - In which he fiddles around with the Japanese version of Phantasy Star Generation 2 for the PlayStation II.
  • Let's Mention
  • Let's Fail - Shouldn't this encompass his entire channel?

The exception to this rule seems to be a sub-series he's created entitled "The Gaming Experience," which seems to basically consist of "Let's Play" videos packaged under a different name. The theory is that in games Valis knows he'll likely suck at, he refers to the playing as "The Gaming Experience" so as to subtly warn the viewer beforehand that he doesn't consider himself an expert at them, therefore maintaining his sterling reputation.

Bringing an obviously frail ego to the table, Valis77 is always quick to respond to negative comments on his videos by angrily flaming the poster, even when he makes himself look even dumber in the process by missing the fucking point of the original comment. In his fear of being spurned by the YouTube community-at-large, he will even go so far as to attack comments he simply perceives as negative, even when the poster is asking an innocent question. Unable to reconcile this fear with his pathological need for fawning sycophants to post inane bullshit to his every video, he has yet to disable comments, though he has disabled embedding for some of his more embarrassing and revealing videos. It would be an interesting sociological experiment to observe how he transitions from his online fame to his job at Burger King.

Rather than admit he doesn't know something, Valis77 would rather tell a rushed, half-hearted lie in a futile attempt to cover for lacking the advanced knowledge (How to read, write or speak English much less Japanese; how to operate a computer; how to fuck little children; how to tie his own fucking shoes; etc.) that he seems to like to feign so often.

The bottom line is that Valis77's LPs alone are worth it just to see how badly he embarrasses himself while stumbling over words, making up lyrics to game music, dying repeatedly, obsessing over female video game characters and dropping awkward romantic hints to WandererFromYs.

Party Van[edit | edit source]

Veteran internet detectives have discovered that the 31 year old furfag has a bit of a rap sheet, including solicitation of a minor. Fortunately the man has been gracious enough to bypass any of the Powerword: IRL conventions by dropping all the dox for us. Remember folks, when you're convicted and forced to register as a sex offender, your dox become public record for all the world (and the internet) to see and you forsake what little protection Anon has afforded you.

In AD 2009, War Was Beginning!![edit | edit source]

No YouTube drama is complete without a little back-and-forth bitchfighting, right? Well, watch as Valis77 is taken to task by a series of YouTube trolls.

Promise gets called the fuck out. Remember, Chris Hansen is watching. Chris Hansen is listening. Chris Hansen knows all. [not in citation given]

See For Yourself[edit | edit source]

Listen as this nigger annihilates the English language [not in citation given]

“Dude, it's like watching a mental patient in the day room at an asylum running into the window repeatedly.”

~ Anonymous, watching Valis77 spam die while LPing Super Castlevania IV

Observe the faggotry this guy engages in [not in citation given]

How to Troll Valis77[edit | edit source]

Now YOU can rob cars, rape and kill people by dressing as a convicted furfag Pedo-Nigger. It's the perfect disguise!!!
  1. Say anything which he could possibly interpret as critical of anything he has ever done.
  2. Casually mention his arrest record and/or his fast track career at Burger King.(Note: When doing so, refer to him as "Promise Felon Redmond". Expect BAWWWWW.)
  3. Tell him that WandererOfYs will NEVAR come back to YewTubez.
  4. IRL Trolling: Dress as the picture at the right of this section, and rob any Burger King. While at it, molest any 16-year-old girl and say "This is Valis77 BRB".
  5. ????
  6. PROFIT!!!

See also[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]