User:Uncyclopediafan1/Nazi-Mexican Iraq US

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Nazi-Mexican Iraq US
0000kmUnited Statesian Flag.png
Nazi-Mexican Iraq US flag
Fat rolald.jpg
Nazi-Mexican Iraq US Coat of Fat Arms and Legs
Motto "You Are Fat"
Motto in Deviese "Yoiy Anedi Funan"
USA! USA! USA!.png
Official languages All!!!!!
Government Representative Democracy (Only kidding!!)
Capital Washington.
Population Demographic 350 Million. Hispanic 90%, Caucasian 9%, Jewish 1%. Fuck Knows where the Blacks have gone.
Religion All!!!!!
Monarchy Constitutional Monarchy. Position currently vacant.
Opening hours Monday–Saturday from dawn 'til midnight, Friday is ladies' night
Independence Illusional, the British still own your sorry ass
National anthem "Keep the Home Fires Burning, put on Another Frenchman" or "Amerika" by the soprano artists Rammstein
Natural Resources Texas Tea, tree stumps, Jell-O™, prostitution, actors
Official Cuisine Bacon fat, Freedom Fries, Hamburgers
National bird The B-3 Bomber
Emperor Her Federal Majesty Empress Bush
President George W. Bush, Jr. AKA "the Monkey"
Prime Minister Dr. Phil-Winfrey DDS, Ph.D. Known as "Stinky" to his friends.
Area Sovereign territory claimed is er... how big is the Earth again?
Motto "War Is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength"
National Anime G.I. Joe: Sigma 6
Currency Freedom, Oil, Marijuana, Cocaine, Sombreros, Meth
National Sports WAR (every year, it just keeps getting more and more exciting! Flag waving (and the BEST on THIS in the WORLD), shooting (fellow citizens), basketball, American football (complex macho-man chaos), McDonald's-ing
National Products Silicon, Oil, Patriot Act, Politicians, War, Walls around the border
Country code Top Level Domain .com, .org, .net, .USA, .gov, .hamburger, .coke, .halliburton, .freedom, .mx (new purchase)
Exports Deported Illegal immigrants,

Silicon Black Hawks, War, Soul Food, Soul (musik), Souls (collected by reapers), Whoopass, World pollution

Imports Illegal Immigrants, Oil(Lots)

Marijuana (pot) Cocaine Meth Heroin, Dept, Leaded Chinese Toys, Japanese Stuff

Fun Fact The USA is an independent commonwealth of Jesusland
Fun Fact # 2 Missouri Declared its independence on November. 24, 1998 And is not technically part of the USA. South Carolina did the same thing, but they got their asses kicked
Fun Fact # 3 According to Jews, The USA is also known as Jewish Heaven!
Fun Fact # 4 Almost the entire population of USA whines about everything.