User:High Gen. Grue/TYATU/101
Episode #101 Dumb lurner help for schools about UnCyc[edit | edit source]
The Baron: Has anyone notice we've lost the Stranger for 3 WHOLE DAMN EPISODES?
Emmzee: No. (Explodes)
Keira: Gnaw (Explodes)
The Baron: The sixth wall! Only one wall left. Gladly, 6 has security.
(Sixth wall, Area 51, Nevada. The security has been breached. Hard)
The Stranger: Soon my plan will be executed and the whole world will come to my command before the destruction of the seventh wall. Good thing I told the press that I am a suicide terrorist.
The Baron: Stop right there, evil doer!
The Stranger: You have found out of my plan!!
The Baron: Yeah.
The Stranger: Luckily you cannot stop me!!
The Baron: Look how I will (Yet another ALIENWAAHER cell phone appearance.) Calling *** (Number of SWAT team censored for television.)
SWAT Officer L. Hi, I heard you-
The Stranger: (Shoots SOL with an AK-47.) Got anything else?
The Baron: Err... No.
The Stranger: Now I can stop you!! (Shoots The Baron. He can't really turn into a zombie either. In fact, HE'S A HOLLLOGRRAAMMM) You set me up!!
The Holo-Baron: Bring it on!
The Stranger: No, I will not! I disagree- (Gets punched by The Holo-Baron. Or does he? HE'S A HOLLLOOOGGRRAMM TOOOO!!!11)
The REAL Baron: Let's get this over with
The Holo-Stranger: Crap...
The Baron: (Walks through The Holo-Stranger. And the holo-Area 51 gate. And the seriously sucky holo-door that leads to the sixth and seventh wall. And the holo-Sixth wall. And the seventh.) Good god! What is this place, a mirage??!
The REAL Stranger: Hah! Now it's time for a true fight!
Zaitochi: ATTACK TIME!! (Attacks The Stranger, but implodes.)
The Stranger: Apparently my destruction work with the walls DID pay OFF for REal.
The Baron: Now it's your turn to reveal yourself.
The Stranger: Weren't I supposed to reveal myself once we are the only two survivers?
The Baron: Not excactly. (Makes a cool Run-Through-Holo-Wall event.)
(Jericho, Kansas)
The Baron: So this is all that's left of Nikita's home, huh?
Uncyclop: Cheer up, at least you killed the Stranger. Who was he/she?
The Baron: I didn't kill him yet.
Uncyclop: Oh really?
The Baron: No, I had to run away. Flee. Like a coward.
Uncyclop: I remember once, when I was little. (Flashback)
Uncyclop: Plop Plop!
Random Bully Starnestommy: Pom Pom! (Smashes Uncyclop to pieces)
(Flashback unabled. Your free trial is over. 4 words have been said. Purchase Adobe Flashback tonite!)
Uncyclop: Um... Say what?
The Baron: Was it Starnes?
Uncyclop: It was a strange and horny day.
The Baron: Interesting. Tell me more.
Uncyclop: Hell no! (Smashes his own face to pieces.)
The Baron: The radiation must of really got you there.
Uncyclop: Guugly Muugly Shumpantangy! Loolio-
The Baron: (Punches Uncyclop)
(Back at area 51)
The Stranger: He got away again! Aww, this show is bulls-
(Credits roll)
This script is an episode of
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Episode lists and summary - List of characters
TYATU Guest Episodes:
NOTE: Guest episodes have absolutely no relavance the the plot of TYATU.