-1[edit | edit source]
Minitrue mark article doubleplusungood crimethink. Miniluv remake goodthink fullwise. |
0, but worse, AKA -1, is the negative first number and used to be a letter of the alphabet. This number is a mixture of the symbol - and the symbol 1. -1 is the first negative number to be created. It is a number used in math when you... idk... maybe when you do minus stuff minus algebra number number meth pluss... That is how you use it.... I think.....
0[edit | edit source]
0 is not a number.
- It's nothing.
- It's not even nothing.
- So enjoy life.
½[edit | edit source]
Something bigger than 0 and smaller than 1. Symbol for half is ½. Of glasses containing liquid, it is referred to as "~ full" or "~ empty", depending on whether you know that particular mind trick yet or not.

1[edit | edit source]
1 is the first number and is also a letter of the alphabet. The number after 1 is "2" and the letter before it is "~". The uppercase 1 is !. 1 represents 1 thing, or one more than zero, or one less than 2. It is also part of the number 11, which is two ones. Or is that 2?
Long thought of as being the loneliest number, One in fact has a healthy, monogamous relationship (naturally) with his long-term girlfriend 2. In all their years together, One has never had an affair.
One achieves this iron self-control over his sexuality by periodically seeking out hookers and strangling them, thus sublimating his desire for sexual variety with the aid of violence.

"Substituting violence for sex is the key to romantic happiness," says One, nodding sagely to the youth who came to his house seeking his wisdom whilst eating One's food and rummaging through One's things, before picking up a coatstand and buggering the young boy to death with the large end.
"You see? There'll be no matrimonial disputes in this house, not while I can maintain my psychopathic zeal for the destruction of innocent young boys," smiled One, as he wiped the young lad's blood from his brow and proceeded to drag the battered corpse into the courtyard of his elegant but discreetly located Victorian house.
A glint in his eye and a spring in his step, he turned to Two; "Be a love, dear, and get my spade". Skipping to the toolshed, Two returned with the biggest spade her dainty hands could carry, and because their love for each other was so strong, they buried that young chap under the plum tree, and walked into the sunset, their hands holding each other's digits.
2[edit | edit source]
“It is the number that comes after 1 and before the rest.”
– Gołębiowski on 2
2 is the plural of 1, except in the United Kingdom where a nice man told me that the plural of 1 is "bugger off mate."The uppercase form of 2 is @ except in the UK again, where it is ".
It has been said by some poets that 2 can be quite lonely, as it is the loneliest number since the number 1.
2 is one of the most widely used numbers in the world among cultures who are able to count past 1. It often sponsors children's programs such as Sesame Street in order to promote its bipartisan political agenda. 2 is the largest gathering of naked people which falls short of qualifying as an orgy.
3[edit | edit source]
3 is a number with 3 ones, 0 tens and 0 hundreds. The 3 is after the number 2 which has 2 ones and before 4 which has 4 ones. The 3 sided dice is has a 1,2 and 3 on it.
Three is the number of:
- Participants in a traditional threesome
- Strikes and you're out
- Stooges
- Legs on a barstool
- Bears
- Nipples James Bond has