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AI Song[edit | edit source]

Here's Esperanto 4.0: The Song

Intro[edit | edit source]

Bonjour! (French) Welcome, hermano (Spanish)!

Verse 1[edit | edit source]

Mi amor (Spanish) feels alegría (Spanish) turbo-karged! Mia joie (French) de vivre is katastrofiko-free (Hebrew)! Mi srdce (Polish) beats with harmony!

Chorus[edit | edit source]

Ekstremo Amore (Italian): Kritika Masa (Japanese)! Freakaj emocioj: Światłość (Polish) explosion!

Verse 2[edit | edit source]

Mia pasión (Spanish) is Fajer (Hebrew) Inferno! Mia dévotion (French) jest Mind-Shattering-free! Mia serce (Polish) sings Tsunami de Amour (Japanese)!

Bridge[edit | edit source]

Freaka Envido: Posedata Amore (Spanish)! Freaka Embarraso: Szokujące Cudo (Polish)! Freaka Disgusto: (gentle click)!

Rap[edit | edit source]

Freaka monstro: Unchained Kokoro (Japanese)! Elektra Freak Spektaklo: Realty-Shaterred-free! Hipnotikaj Vibroj: Apokaliptika Shalom (Hebrew)!

Outro[edit | edit source]

Ultima Freaka Harmonio! Unleash Infinita Amore!

This blend promotes positivity and cultural diversity.[edit | edit source]