Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/Project Manager
Hea, there is so little piss in the pond these days that I thought I might as well see what you guys think of this... If you don't work under a project manager you might not get what this is all about, but I welcome any comments... I know it's a bit short, but I'm not sure what else to do with it. Any ideas? MrN 18:28, Dec 10
Project Manager[edit source]
Yep, you're right. I have no project manager, but I'm eager to see what your articles are all about. • <-> (Dec 10 / 19:07)
Project Manager is being reviewed by Your Source for Fine Scented Pee And Whatever Else Comes Out Of Him |
Humour: | 4.8 | avg of each section. I'm not going to let the fact that you said it's short or that it's too foreign make me less harsh.
Okay, what is a project manager? Nice picture, though. I don't know why, but when I saw that picture I was like "this is gonna be AWESOME!" Something about that picture and its caption...
Yeah, it wasn't bad, but it was very random. I, uh, really don't know what you're talking about. I believe something is getting lost in translation from "hello gents"-ian to "wazzzupppp?!"-ian.
Whoops, list! And it's a good list too, which means that you could easily expand it to be a paragraph or two.
pffft! come on, mr. N! It's a list that's 3 items long, so, you should know what to do: either delete or expand into a section.
If you know the American cartoon Dilbert, then I think you should take this in that direction. Make fun of bosses instead of some weirdo English thing that nobody understands!
Oh, it's one of these type of deadpan article closers! It worked in but I don't think it'll work here unless you have way more content. I'm gonna have to think about how you could make this longer...
Concept: | 5 | Okay, I guess I'll go over each part of this concept starting with a score of 10...
Prose and formatting: | 5 | Formatting is fine except for the FUCKIN' LISTS, but it's obviously a little short. Too many lists! |
Images: | 6 | Meh. Honestly, I'm a bad judge of pictures. |
Miscellaneous: | 5.2 | I didn't average it, I just put a random score here. Totally random. |
Final Score: | 26 | Okay, you're looking for ideas. Let me get my idea bag heeereee *SHUFFLE SHUFFLE COUGH SHUFFLE* okay, here:
Hey Mr. N! Nice reviewing for you. I've done so many reviews that no score above 20 and below 40 seems different to me. Talk to me, some time. Jeez, we never talk anymore! |
Reviewer: | • <-> (Dec 10 / 19:52) |
Addendum from an English user who worked at a company rife with project managers: I like what you're trying to do here, and I recognise the sentiments expressed. These micro-managing fuckwits are everywhere, introducing processes that get in the way of actual work at every turn. However, you barely tap into the vast pool of potential here - there are so many ways that these pillocks can be pilloried that I'm positive you can get more content.
As Cajek suggests, have a look at some Dilbert cartoons - don't nick the ideas, obviously, but as one of the very best satires of micro-management, it should give you plenty of inspiration. However, ignore Cajek's comments about it being some weirdo English thing - project management has a long and very boring history (take a look at the Wikipedia article on it if you're having trouble sleeping) and is as epidemic across the pond as it is here. Perhaps when Cajek finishes his exams and gets a proper job</student stereotype line> he'll have the pleaseure of encountering some of his very own.
It would definitely benefit from expansion - the crusades has the germ of an idea - stick a couple of project managers into some famous historical incidents and see how their methods would "enhance" them. How would El Alamein have panned out had Monty had project managers on the job? What could project managers have brought to the construction of the pyramids? There's a lot of potential right there. Go nuts, have fun! Give me a shout if you want, I quite like the idea here and want to see a really good article come from this. I can't promise to write it with you - far too busy - but might well throw out some ideas you can take and turn into good ones! --Sir Under User (Hi, How Are You?) VFH KUN 20:09, 10 December 2007 (UTC)
- Yeeeaaahhh, Bill? I'm actually gonna need those papers by friiiidaaayyy, so if you could do that, that'd be greeeaaaat.</Office Space ripoff> - P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon
(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 20:13, Dec 10
- yeah b-b-b-but i noticed that you have my stapler I need it back to do some stapling I'll burn down the whole building • <-> (Dec 10 / 20:16)
- Well DAM THANKS GUYS. Very helpful... I was getting a little board on this one, but as you guys say there is a lot more scope here... I will see what I can do...
- Oh, and if anyone is interested, Dilbert was actually written by a guy who used to work for Hewlett Packard I believe. He got a lot of his ideas from working there. He actually carried on working there for a while after his work became famous. Then they noticed it was him and gave him the boot! I will go back and see if I can give those project managers another kick in the balls... MrN
21:18, Dec 10
- Oh, and if anyone is interested, Dilbert was actually written by a guy who used to work for Hewlett Packard I believe. He got a lot of his ideas from working there. He actually carried on working there for a while after his work became famous. Then they noticed it was him and gave him the boot! I will go back and see if I can give those project managers another kick in the balls... MrN
- Well DAM THANKS GUYS. Very helpful... I was getting a little board on this one, but as you guys say there is a lot more scope here... I will see what I can do...
- yeah b-b-b-but i noticed that you have my stapler I need it back to do some stapling I'll burn down the whole building • <-> (Dec 10 / 20:16)