Txt mssgng
Txt msg aka txting s cmmn term 4 th sndng "shrt" (<160 char) txt msgs, sng sms, frm phns. T s avlbl n mst dgtl mbl phns & sm pdas w/ w/l tlcmmnctns. Txt msg r cld txt mssgs, & smss, r vn txts. T evlvd in2 fll fldgd lng nd s usd arnd th wrld.
Sms gtwys xst 2 cnnct mbl sms srvcs w/ im srvcs, www, cmps, & lndln phns. Dvcs whch cn cnnct 2 mbl phns & PDAs thru prtcls sch s blutth cn ls smtms s tht lnk 2 snd sms mssgs vr wl ntwrk. Sms rs s prt f wdly dplyd gsmprtcl, bt s nw ls vlbl w/ nn-gsm sstms.
T mst cmn pp f srvc s ppl2ppl msgng, bt txt mssgs r ls ftn sd 2 ntrct w/ tm systms, sch s rdrng prdcts & srvcs 4 mbl phns, r prtcptng n cntsts. Thr r sm srvcs vlbl on th ntrnt tht llw srs 2 snd txt mssgs fr f drct chrg 2 th sndr, lthgh usrs f N mrcn ntwrks wll oftn hv 2 py 2 rcv sms txt mssg.

Hst[edit | edit source]
Th first cmmrcl sms mssg ws snt ovr th Vdfn gsm ntwrk n th uk n 3 dec 1992, frm nl ppwrth f sm grp (usng prsnl cmptr) 2 rchrd jrvs f vdfn (usng n rbtl 901 hndst). Th txt f th mssg ws "Mrry xms". Th first sms typd n gsm phn s clmd 2 hv bn snt by rk phknn, n engnr stdnt @ nk, n 1993. At tht tm, txtng ws vry xpnsv, evn mr s then 2day.
Th first knwn cty-wd us f txt mssgng 2 allvt cmmnctn dfct drng n emrgncy sttn ws implmntd 5-08-07. n Fri, 5-4-2007, n enhncd fjt scl 5 (f-5) trnd drng th my 2007 trnd otbrk cmpltly dstryd th twn f Grnsbrg, kn. By tue, lcl ctzn, km gmbl, astd by hr frnds, ptty crwll & pl stt, estblshd txt mssgng systm 2 imprv cmmnctns btwn th dsprsd ctzns. Ths systm ws pwrd by clb txtng. Tht dy, @10p, th 1st txt ws snt 2 th ctzns: "Rsdnts allwd 2 tk in trlrs @ 8am wed." Drng th prev 2 dys, only 1 vhcl hd bn llwd pr hm. Thr ws n urgnt nd 2 rcvr slvgbl tms du 2 th thrt of mr strms. Ths sngl ln f txt allwd ctzns 2 pln 4 fstr rcvry actvty th fllwng dy. W/o th mssg, thy hd n wy f knwng trlrs wld b allwd. Th txt mssgng systm wnt on 2 b usd 4 crtcl nfrmtn sch as dbrs rmvl infrmtn, htln nmbrs & twn hll mtng ntcs. Mssgs xpndd 2 ntfctn f schl, chrch, & cmmnty evnts n ordr 2 kp th cmmnty tgthr drng th rbldng of thr twn. In th rly dys fllwng th trnd, th nly altrntv 4 cmmnctn ws wrd f mth. Txt mssgng llwd 4 vrfd fcts 2 b snt drctly 2 ths wh ndd thm, avdng th rmr mll nd bstng mrl n tm f dspr. @ th tm f mplmnttn, gvrnmnt gncy wrkng n grnsbrg, kn, xprssd n ntrst n dscssng th cncpt drng "tm f pc" 2 hlp mk ths stndrd sltn 4 ftr ctstrphs, th gncy hs nt fllwd p wth ths d.
Intl grwth f txt mssgng ws slw, wth cstmrs n 1995 sndng n avrg nly 0.4 msgs/cstmr/mnth. 1 fctr n th slw tkp f SMS ws tht prtrs wr slw 2 st p chrgng systms, spclly 4 prpd sbscrbrs, & lmnt bllng frd whch ws pssbl by chngng sms cntr sttngs n ndvdl hndsts 2 s th smscs f thr prtrs. Ovr tm, ths ss ws lmntd by swtch-bllng nstd f bllng 2 th smsc nd by nw ftrs wthn smscs 2 llw blckng f frgn mbl srs sndng mssgs thrgh t. By th nd f 2k, th vrg nmbr f mssgs/usr rchd 35.
It s als allgd tht th fct tht rmng cstmrs, n th rly dys, rrly rcvd blls 4 thr smss ftr hldys brd hd bst n txt mssgng s n ltrntv 2 vc clls.
Sms ws rgnlly dsgnd s prt f gsm, bt s nw vlbl n wd rng f ntwrks, incl 3g ntwrks. Hwvr, nt ll txt mssgng systms r sms, nd sm ntbl ltrnt mplmnttns f th cncpt ncld j-p's skyml nd ntt dcm's shrt ml, bth n jpn. eml mssgng frm phns, s pplrzd by ntt dcm's e-md nd th rm blckbrry, ls typclly s stndrd ml prtcls sch s smtp vr ntrnt prtcl st.
2dy txt mssgng s th mst wdly sd mbl dt srvc n th plnt, wth 72% f ll mbl phn srs wrldwd r 1.9b t f 2.7b phn sbscrbrs t nd f 2006 bng ctv srs f th sms. N cntrs lk fnlnd, swdn & nrwy >90% f th ppltn s sms. Th rpn vrg s bt 85% nd n amrc s rpdly ctchng p wth >40% actv srs f sms by nd f 2006. Th lrgst vrg sg f th srvc by mbl phn sbscrbrs s n th phlppns wth n vrg f 15 txts snt/dy/sbscrbr. In sngpr th vrg s 12 nd n S Kr 10.
Th yth r th hvy srs: n brtn 10% f stdnts snd 100 mssgs n vrg pr dy; n s kr 30% f stdnts vrg 100 r mr txts pr dy. Thr s, hwvr, n g lmt t sms sg, s rtrd ppl r fnd t b sng txt mssgng n ll dvncd mrkts wrldwd.
Txt mssgng ws rprtd t hv ddctv tndncs by th gms by nk n 2001 nd ws cnfrmd 2 b addctv by th stdy @ th Cthlc nvrsty f Lvn n blgm n 2004. Snc then th stdy t th qnslnd unvrsty f aus hs fnd tht txt mssgng s th mst ddctv dgtl srvc n mbl r ntrnt, nd s qvlnt n ddctvnss t cgrtt smkng. Th txt rcptn hbt ntrdcs nd t rmn cnnctd, clld "rchblty".
Th futr f txt msgng lks brght. Thr is a kbd avlbl nw tht is dsgnd 2 npt txt nd txt msg my rplc rglr msgs.
Tchncl dtls[edit | edit source]
Mssgs r snt 2 smsc whch prvds str&4wrd mchnsm. It ttmpts t snd mssgs t thr rcpnts. If rcpnt s nt rchbl, th smsc qs th mssg 4 l8r rtry. Sm smscs ls prvd "4wrd&4gt" ptn whr trnsmssn s trd nly nc. Mssg dlvry s bst ffrt, s thr r n grnts tht mssg wll ctlly b dlvrd t ts rcpnt nd dly r cmplt lss f mssg s nt ncmmn, prtclrly when sndng btwn ntwrks. Usrs my chs t rqst dlvry rprts, whch cn prvd pstv cnfrmtn tht th mssg hs rchd th ntndd rcpnt, bt ntfctns 4 fld dlvrs r nrlbl t bst.
Trnsmssn f th shrt mssgs btwn smscnd phn cn b dn thrgh dffrnt prtcls sch s ss7 wthn th stndrd gsm mp frmwrk r TCP wthn th sm stndrd. Lmttns f th mssgs sd wthn ths prtcls rslt n th mxmm sngl txt mssg sz f thr 160 7-bt chrctrs, 140 8-bt chrctrs, r 70 16-bt chrctrs. Chrctrs n lnggs sch s rbc, chns, krn, jpns r slvc lnggs (eg Rssn) mst b ncdd sng th 16-bt CS-2 chrctr ncdng (s ncd).
Lrgr cntnt (knwn s lng sms r cnctntd sms) cn b snt sgmntd vr mltpl mssgs, n whch cs ch mssg wll strt wth sr dt hdr (dh) cntnng sgmnttn nfrmtn. Snc th sgmnttn nfrmtn s crrd wthn th txt mssg, th nmbr f chrctrs pr sgmnt s lwr: 153 4 7-bt ncdng, 134 4 8-bt ncdng nd 67 4 16-bt ncdng. Th rcvng phn s rspnsbl 4 rssmblng th mssg nd prsntng t t th sr s n lng mssg. Whl th stndrd thrtclly prmts p t 255 sgmnts, 6 t 8 sgmnt mssgs r th prctcl mxmm, nd lng mssgs r ftn blld s qvlnt t mltpl sms mssgs.
Sm srvc prvdrs ffr th blty t snd mssgs t lnd ln tlphns rgrdlss f thr cpblty f rcvng txt mssgs by tmtclly phnng th rcpnt nd rdng th mssg ld sng txt2spch lng wth th nmbr f th sndr.
Spm[edit | edit source]
In 2002, incrsng trnd 2wards spmmng mbl phn usrs thu sms prmpted clllr srvc crrrs 2 tk stps agnst th prctc, b4 it bcm wdsprd prblm. No mjr spmmng ncdnts nvlvng SMS hd bn rprtd s f Mar 2007, bt th xstnc f mbl-phne spm hs bn ntd by ndstry wtchdgs, ncldng cnsmr rprts mgzn & th utlty cnsmrs' actn ntwrk. In 2005, ucan brght cs agnst sprnt 4 spmmng its cstmrs & chrgng 10c pr txt mssg. Th cs ws sttld n 2006 w/ sprnt agrng nt 2 snd cstmrs sprnt ads via sms. Txt msg spm s vry prftbl as usrs gt tgtd ads 4 prdcts sch as \/1@gr@. In addtn, mllnrs n ngra us txt 2 ask amrcns 2 hlp xfr thr mny 2 offshr accnts. Txt usrs gt vry rch by hlpng ths ppl.
SMS xprt lgccmg rprtd nw typ f sms-mlc @ nd of 2006, ntng 1st nstncs f smshng (csn 2 eml phshng scms). In smshng, usrs rcv sms mssgs psng 2 b frm cmpny, ntcng usrs 2 phne prmm r8 nmbrs, r rply w/ prsnl nfo.
Dyn...[edit | edit source]
- Tht txt msgng cn b usd 2 cht on xams?
- Tht n NZ u can use txt msg n xams w/o ne trbl? U cn lso cht by txtng ur frnds by txtng thm th nsrs.
- Tht txtng s usd by aolrs usrs as ltrntv 2 1337?
- Th wrlds fstst txt msgr lvs n sngpr?
Myhs abt txtng[edit | edit source]
- Txtng whl drvng is nt th sm s tlkng n th phn whl drvng. Txtng s mch sfr b/c u cn hld th whl & th phn @ th sm tm & u cn hr evrythn tht s gng n, sch s th rd.
- Sm thk tht usng a cllphn cn cs cncr. Txtng dsnt cs cncr, xcpt n th stt f ca
C als[edit | edit source]
Xtrnl lnks[edit | edit source]
- Th txtspk kbd
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Ths pg ws orgnlly sprkd frm wkpd. |