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600px trisection vertical HEX-6F00B7 White HEX-5FCEFB.svg
Greek lc mu icon.svg
Flag Coat of Arms
Motto: E'ahe, re, p'a! (Translation: Nation, Sea, City)
Location presumed to be on a central Pacific landmass that sunk when the civilization fell.
Largest cityPa'ii
Official language(s)Muan (Extinct when civilization fell)
ReligionMuism (Akin to Hellenism/Greek mythology)
Population410 Million (Estimate, presumed to have never changed)
Area3.91 Million Square Miles
Major importsIsolated, did not have any
Hours of
9 AM MST to 8 PM MST

Mu, known among its people as M'u'a, was an ancient civilization that lasted from 2312 BC to 1034 BC.

History[edit | edit source]

The Pacific, where Mu was located.

Mu was established in 2312 BC as humans arrived from Palau and into a large, mostly circular, landmass they called M'u'a, which is translated into Mu. The size of such is roughly assumed to be larger than the U.S. by a few miles. It's first "E're" or, in English, Ruler, was a man entitled Jo'hn, who is suspected of being a relative of John. The first settlers of Mu had established the city of Pa'ii (located in southwestern Mu) which is likely somehow tied to the term Palau, which became the name of their original island they inhabited. Religion (Muism, akin to Hellenism/Greek Mythology) soon took a hold as the continent of Mu became the Mu civilization after a few months, while many many cities were established and they got to fucking each other, causing a rapid rise in population from a mere 500 to 410 Million within mere decades, though it also resulted in the first cases of autism (due to inbreeding). A Muan golden age ensued that lasted for about 1,153 years, as many structures entitled "Tesseracts/Hypercubes" were constructed, just like Egypt did with pyramids, forming the Pa'ii Tesseracts. As the Golden Age of Mu came to a close, the civilization rapidly deteriorated as portions of Mu, such as the North (known as Su) and the West (known as T'u) began to separate and soon came to war among themselves, resulting in a grand conflict entitled the "H'i'vaael War" (H'ivaael means, Heaven in Muan) that would last for several years (1159 BC to 1068 BC), which saw the Su nations pitted against T'u and a few legions of Mu volunteers (whom joined due to historic ties and proximity to T'u meaning that Pa'ii could fall if they didn't assist). The aftermath of this war would see the destruction of many Su cities, such as S'aah and S'eecs, with the aerial bombardment of T'u cities, causing outrage in mainland Mu due to the historic ties they have to T'u, no matter how made they were about T'u leaving the kingdom. With this outrage in Mu, there was reason for foreign legions to assist T'u whilst many Muans of Suan origin saw discrimination. This, combined with occasional and often deadly incursions by Su into border towns of Muan possession, saw the gradual dissolution of Mu as a civilization and nation, culminating in the "E're War" which saw T'u and the remaining mainland Mu city-states fighting Su and the East (known as Ju) and the eventual use of Su's "Unmu" Weapon that sunk the continent and thus civilization into the Pacific ocean in 1034 BC. They were shortly succeeded by Atlantis as the world's premier civilization. Some argue the civilization ended in 1030 BC with the firebombing of Pa'ii and beginning of the collapse of mainland Mu city-states.

Culture[edit | edit source]

Cannibalism, occasionally practiced on the intellectuals of Mu.

The culture of Mu is very comparable to a merger of Palau, New Guinea, and Japan's cultures. Ancient warriors known as A'ri were effectively Muan samurais, and played a very important role in the Hiva'aael War as they would serve as Su's elite melee specialists, though melee combat did not always work, causing complete tactical failure on Su's end due to their incessant use of the A'ri as opposed to long range weapons or firearms. Some traditions of cannibalism (inherited from New Guinea) were prominent in mainland Mu and Ju's cultures, namely in the form of eating deceased scholars or teachers in hopes of carrying on their knowledge, hopes, dreams, all that boring shit. There is not significant other factors known in the cultures of the rest of the Mu continent because of the loss of T'u's cities when attacked by A'ris, as, ya know, they actually did some war crimes and shit.

Climate[edit | edit source]

The climate of Mu was generally not all that temperate, only being temperate around Su's coast, and a tropical rainforest in literally every other portion of the continent (except the center, which was a sort of monsoon-having grassland).

Archaeology in relation to Mu[edit | edit source]

Parts of the Pa'ii Ruins during low tide visible from the surface.

Below is a list of Archaeological sites that have been proclaimed to be related to Mu or directly tied to the ancient civilization.

  • Site "Pal's Ass" (Hawaii, believed to be in the farther reaches of T'u)
  • Site "Blanketed Skeletons" (Micronesia, believed to be a site of burial for elders after cannibalism, within Ju)
  • Site "Jo'hn's Library" (Major library uncovered in the ruins of Pa'ii outside of Palau, where most records of Mu lie.)
  • Site "Pa'ii Ruins" (The ruins of Pa'ii, mildly deteriorated but in decent condition due to advanced Mu technology allowing for the advancement of preservation tech)
  • Site "Wrath Leaves Wrath" (Ruins of a moderately sized city believed to be in western Su, has a considerably large museum and library, both damaged slightly by the E're & H'i'vaael Wars)
  • Site "Fourth Geometry" (Ruins of one of many Pa'ii Tesseracts in eastern Mu)

There are no other archaeological sites that are definitively tied to Mu, though several throughout Kiribati have been deemed possibly tie to mainland Mu and T'u.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

See also[edit | edit source]