Major League Gaming

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MLG Life, Brah!
Warning to headphone users everyone
Coming to a store near you!

“teh b3sT 1337 place ever!!1”

~ xXxX_420_Quickskcoper_XxXx on MLG

“0h m9 is n0sc0pd ur mUm xDDDDDDDDDDDdddd”

~ xXCh33kYsKrUbR3kT0rZXx on MLG

“All they do is call out people with skill as ‘Hackers’”

'm4j0r l346u3 64m1n6 1nc. (ml6) 15 4 pr0f35510n4l 35p0r75 0r64n1z4710n. ml6 h45 h3ld 0ff1c14l v1d30 64m3 70urn4m3n75 7hr0u6h0u7 7h3 un173d 574735 4nd c4n4d4 f0r f47 10-15 y34r-0ld5 7h47 d0 n07h1n6 4ll d4y 07h3r 7h4n 53cr37ly pl4y1n6 c4ll 0f du7y wh3n 7h31r p4r3n75 4r3 4w4y. 7h3 c0mm0n m34l 0f 4n ml6 pr0 wh1l3 3471n6 d0r1705 4nd m0un741n d3w 4nd w33d 4nd d0r1705 4nd m3m35 4nd m0u741n d3w, wh1l3 5cr34m1n6 r34lly l0udly f0r n0 r3450n wh47503v3r. 7h3y 4r3 kn0wn f0r f4pp1n6 70 h4l0 3 pr0n, 4nd 7h3n 0nc3 7hy'r3 d0n3 w17h 7h31r bu51n355, 7h3y 50 b4ck 70 pl4y1n6 fl4ppy b1rd.

So how do I be an Noscoper?[edit | edit source]

Here are the steps to get to the top of the MLG charts!

Did you manage to follow all those steps without fail? Good job, you're an elite MLG Noscoper!!!!!1 Now try to reverse that and get a social life again. But it might be too late for you, how sad.

List of MLG memes[edit | edit source]