Forum:Shipping from Venus

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Forums: Index > Village Dump > Shipping from Venus
Note: This topic has been unedited for 3469 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

I was looking at Uncyclopedia Store. The prices are kind of high but that's OK cuz it's a fundraiser. But then I looked at the shipping. Shipping for one T-shirt is $15? WTF? And even if you order over $200 there's no free shipping. Do they ship from Venus? I think we should get a different company to do the shipping. Admin DAP Dame Pleb Com. Miley Spears (talk) 22:40, 2 June 2015 (UTC)

No, they ship from HD 209458 b. Icons-flag-au.png XY007talkcontributions 00:13, 3 June 2015 (UTC)
Pfff...they don't even deliver to Ceres. I mean...I know it's a planetoid and everything but if they deliver to Pluto you think they'd deliver here. It's not like your delivery rockets have trouble navegating the asteroid belt or anyhting. And I'm happy to pay the steep delivery fee of our plentoids 100 healthiest slave children and love robots. But noooooooo...the courrier business skips over us once again. We live in such an planet-centric solarsystem...still...and its 2015! Come on people. Put down Ceres as a delivery option or else...I am doing to write to all the important newspapers and human rights agencies on Earth. Just wait and see when the Baghdad Times and the New Zealand Herrald write up an Op-Ed piece on uncyclopedia's t-shirt ordering page's racist planetoidism...and you'll have a much spikier problem on your hand than some $15 delivery charge. By the way...the hat that is spelt haet is helare! ShabiDOO 03:36, 7 June 2015 (UTC)
OK I know I made a silly title but I really do think it's a problem. I thought about ordering something but the prices are not only high the shipping cost is higher than anything I've ever seen. There are sites where you can personalize design T-shirts and mugs really cheaply and get low-cost or even free shipping even for one T-shirt. I think we really ought to change suppliers. Are we selling much of anything now? Admin DAP Dame Pleb Com. Miley Spears (talk) 04:48, 7 June 2015 (UTC)
I agree. That is mega steep for a t-shirt delivery. Are there many sales made in fact?
One question...when were the uncyclopedia branded dildos dropped from the uncyclopedia shop? ShabiDOO 06:51, 7 June 2015 (UTC)
I don't know. Today's my Uncyclopedia sixth birthday and I haven't gotten any uncyclopedia branded dildos as presents yet. Admin DAP Dame Pleb Com. Miley Spears (talk) 22:26, 9 June 2015 (UTC)

I asked this question a month ago. Anybody have an answer? BTW I love the rainbow potato. Admin DAP Dame Pleb Com. Miley Spears (talk) 04:58, 2 July 2015 (UTC)

You should probably direct your question directly to emc's talkpage as he is the one who runs the store. Nobody else is qualified to give you an answer, so asking here isn't likely to be useful. -- The Zombiebaron 11:08, 2 July 2015 (UTC)
Wow... It looks like Uncyc may actually be active again! EggCity0 (talk) 04:22, 3 July 2015 (UTC)
@MileySpears: I've definitely brought up the costs of Uncyclopedia store items with EMC, and he says there are a number of reasons the Uncyc store uses the vendor it uses, foremost of which are (1) it hosts our shop for us, and (2) its merchandise is higher-quality than the other vendors he's sampled. From what I understand, if we wanted to go with a different vendor, we would need to host our own store, and hosting a site that deals with money is definitely beyond my skills at the moment. If you have any ideas in that department, I'd love to hear 'em; you can contact me via the email function or on IRC (I'm No_one_at_all on #freenode). Also, I made the rainbotato at Kippy's request, so thanks be unto thee, yea, verily.  ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngMon, Jul 13 '15 5:32 (UTC)

I think we only get like 15% if the sales, right? It might make more sense to customise your own t shirt on a clothes website, and simply donate a coupla bucks to Uncyc. Leverage (talk) 17:57, 14 July 2015 (UTC)

You can make a store through in like five minutes and they sell custom T-shirts but I don't know if you can sell them through your own store. I think works through Amazon. Really I'd rather post ideas here so other people can see them and give ideas. :) Admin DAP Dame Pleb Com. Miley Spears (talk) 05:14, 17 July 2015 (UTC)
Leverage I totally agree. But really that makes having a store here really pointless. Admin DAP Dame Pleb Com. Miley Spears (talk) 05:16, 17 July 2015 (UTC)

Why not have a forum for funding? Posts about donations, the store, etc. could all be in the same place so it's easy to find. I found about five posts or fundraising that were missed for over a month by the people who needed to see them. IRC is fine if you happen to get on when the people who need to know are on, but even then you could miss someone with great ideas. A forum would be there for whenever people need to find it, and after a short while everyone would know to look there. Besides, IRC is so 2003. Admin DAP Dame Pleb Com. Miley Spears (talk) 05:31, 17 July 2015 (UTC)

And can we please get shipping to Ceres within 30 days? ShabiDOO 18:05, 17 July 2015 (UTC)

Shabi, I want to buy you this:[38wTWN2iJIY46N4be8210215GA7Iy8] Are you XXL or XXXL? Leverage (talk) 18:53, 17 July 2015 (UTC)

You know Leverage...that would normally hurt my feelings...but since I am actually full out mentally retarded...I take that as an empowering compliment! ShabiDOO 19:26, 17 July 2015 (UTC)

Well I like it because it has two meanings. 1) The boy in the picture is NOT a retard, that's a shitty thing to call someone. 2) The wearer of the t shirt is not a retard, unlike the boy in the picture. Incidentally, may I say DAMN IT'S HARD TO LINK TO THINGS THAT HAVE SQUARE BRACKETS IN THE URL. Leverage (talk) 19:43, 17 July 2015 (UTC)


MUN MyOwnBadSelf, The BFDI Fan (talk - stalk - block) 22:23, 25 July 2015 (UTC)