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    my anti-drug
Welcome to the international headquarters of

Headbutt extraordinare

Bank of Sophia · Death to Sanyo · Talk to me baby · UnNewsAudio


United Kingdom
This user is a total UKer
and may nut you, you slag.
(British Uncyclopedians)
This user is a Mac User.
Eat up.
(List of Mac-Using Uncyclopedians)
This user supports the Communist Party of China , but only because because it's our last chance for global communist domination.
This user is happy to help n00bs. Leave them a message »
This user is a n00b.
OperaLogo.jpg This user surfs the interweb with Opera, but is above petty musicals. Crack on.
This user is a Gamer and therefore creepy.
This user would be a professional procrastinator, but they can't be bothered.
Deathtosanyo.jpgPeople's Front of Judea tag.jpg
Israeliflag.jpgThis user is ANTI ZIONIST
Hammer and sickle.png
This user is a Communist
& is working on their Lenin mustache! ☭
This user believes that there's nothing like a proper Jihad to ease your pain

Steve "The Crocodile Hunter" Irwin (1962-2006)Australia zoo splash 131.jpg

We salute you!

Vote Whore section (for my UnAudios)[edit | edit source]

If you want to vote for me, please listen to these for consideration:

Ununbilium[edit | edit source]

Ununbilium is the 112th known element. It belongs in the family of Uneccessariums along with Unobtanium, Uncreateablium, Uncompletelyfuckingproducablerockium and Unwhythehelldowekeepmakingpointlesselementsium. Most of of the world's Unubilium resides in a test tube in a hi-tech Somalian laboratory in Mogadishu, having been converted from the extracted souls of children from nearby villages by local witch doctors and the remains of the US aircraft and weapons left there in the 1993 invasion because it was cheaper to leave them there.. It is not known if Ununbilium can exsist in all 11 dimensions, it wants to though, and with the backing of Stephen Hawking anything is possible. The Ununbilium that is here is half Iraqi and half Syrian. Ununbilium rules by the way. Ununbilium knew the meaning of life, but forgot it while on a Monopoly pub crawl (the less said the better). Ununbilium was created on the 23 of August 2006, so is still a Noob Metal. Be nice to Ununbilium, otherwise it will either headbutt you or destabalise nuclearly, you don't want that, unless you like the idea of being buttraped by bosons and quarks because you are some kind of sexually deviant physisist, probably working ar CERN.

Projects[edit | edit source]

Ununbilium is the founder of the UnDollar (prototype name) and it's official bank, the Bank of Sophia which is in development and is designed to make awarding and recieving more FUUUUUN!

Ununbilium is the proud inventor of the Russian quadruple reversal, and is currently working on a new, even deadlier form of reversal, so terrrifying it can turn tranvestite's genders back. Watch this space.

Ununbilium has also contributed to the featured article Lost in Translation, created and maintained Marco Materazzi, co produced Reftithh with TheoB and sparked many an article with inspiration that is truly... inspiring.

Ununbilium is a member of the Uncyclopedian's front for the destruction of Sanyo to stop the conspiracy of making us all speak in txt by putting numberpads on our phones WE WANT QWERTY, DEATH TO SANYO. Pleese INLIST to the front, your humour-related Wikiacity needs YOU!

Ununbilium (getting repetitive that), also has written unnews articles:

Ununbilium also is (when it is bored enough) writing the great saga of World War III (video game)

Noob[edit | edit source]

Ununbilium is a big noob, who has absolutely no idea of anything, not just uncyclopdia, but girls, boys, adults, and everything in between.

Mac[edit | edit source]

Ununbilium is a devoted desciple of Steve Jobs (incidentally he is half Syrian). It will travel to meccacupertino (not worked out how yet) and will die for the divine Mac. Oh yeah, Windows sux. Linux is really cool, but Mac suffices for me.

IRC and NeoZidane[edit | edit source]

Quotation marks left.jpgNeo Zidane: so uncyc is an cyber-nude-anarchic-oligarchic-monarchy with a blue IRC room

sannse: he's learning...Quotation marks right.jpg

Ununbilium is an overly annoying and motormouthed user on the 'pedia's official IRC ROOM, #uncyclopedia (click "chatroom" on the sidebar under "community"). Ununbilium doesn't normally use it's name, but logs on as it's alteralterego, Neo Zidane (or Zidane Neo if he feels like it). Neo Zidane is always trying to keep the chat going. Call him Neo/Neo Zidane/Zizou/Zidane/Zid, or his favourite, Teh One.

You will be able to find lunacy of such a level, you can bottle it and use it as a recreational drug at , the IRC QDB for UCP.

Uncyclopedia2[edit | edit source]

NeoZidane also co-runs with flyingfeline a second uncyclopedia room for people banned and/or trying to get away from arsefaced DiZ, that also don't want to be bogged down by the soberness of unnews, come to this nacho filled, cocktail doused, mirror covered gem of a place. Link here: Uncyclopedia2 chatroom. PS, because I'm a fucking n00b I bollocked the registration process so It can't run until I'm there, bugger.

Ununbilium/Neo Zidane's allies[edit | edit source]

SnowControl[edit | edit source]

Ah my only disciple to learn the ways of teh one, a jolly good fellow from the frozen wastelands of Norway, he is a level 3 Zidanist and I recommend anyone else who would like to join my tutelage to sign up, just post on my talk page or when im IRCing. (dunno where SnowControl's userpage is, if he has one that is) Most likely to say:/me bows to teh one

flyingfeline[edit | edit source]

This crazy kitty is teh kool, a n00b like me, always prancing around (or flying). And she is Londonerianish, like MOI. Stole expensive selfridge tails a while back for her, only just made away from the bobbies, eep. Most likely to say: /me takes some catnip

Premier Tom Mayfair[edit | edit source]

A fellow communist comrade in our fight against capitaliast scum, nominated me for a Uncyclopedia:Emmanuel Goldstein Award of Excellence in the Distribution of Misinformation, and is the premier of Soviet Russia, FOR THE UNION. Most likely to say: In soviet russia, <insert reversal here> YOU!!

Mhaille[edit | edit source]

Duuude, this guy supports Liverpool (w00+). He is also the like most helpful AdminSysOp guy EVER. THX!! :D And he's another jolly good fellow. This userpage was 'borrowed' from his one, so was the signature. (and there was much rejoiceing) Most likely to say: No that's not how you do it n00b, N00B!! (might not be 100% real)

sannse[edit | edit source]

Most evolved sense of humour I have EVER come across, SU93RK007 Ü83r1337 w00t w00t (dusts clothes) Most likely to say: hummm?

SonicChao[edit | edit source]

SonicChao, ah, getting banned with SC from Ubuntu-it for speaking English in an Italian only room is a moment I shall always cherish. Apparently he thinks my french accent is fucking hilarious, kudos to him. Most likely to say: [Still processing]

Ununbilium's Foes (no not hoes)[edit | edit source]

As it's short time as an uncyclopedian, Ununbilium has already got mortal enemies, this list will no doubt increase, as Ununbilium wages war with it's nemisises (is that a word?).

DiZ[edit | edit source]

Probably the most annoying guy I have ever met, who pokes fun at everything, including Ununbilium. He obviously knows all this, and enjoys being the mental satan of the ROOM, at the best of times I penis improvise explosives for him using my Iraqi skills, but the rest of the time is spent mourning every time he logs on. That and his spurts of begfriending everything that is said ticks me off. Most likely to say: [insert total bullshit here]

One more thing...[edit | edit source]

1|14[edit | edit source]

This person was very special to me, well until I went and ruined it all. The only friend I stopped talking to, damn it I'm sorry. Because there's that regret of throwing away someone who was so simlilar to me, someone who was so goddamn perfect in every way, like a fucking glove. But I had to be a stupid cunt, you were right then, I'm a spastic fuck, there was no need for your apology. So sorry.

Most likely to say to me: me too

Did You Know?[edit | edit source]

  • ...that I shot the sherriff AND the deputy?
  • ...that I need to go to the loo?
  • ...that I know what you did last summer AND THE ONE BEFORE THAT?
  • ...that #uncyclopedia is a BLUE room in real life, after a decisive rock paper scissors match with D3koy, ask Flyingfeline if you don't believe me. But we agreed it will be a Blue/White room afterwards.
  •'s a room by the way :P
  • ...that my name is NOT Mr Anderson

Bradaphraser: Zidane sees all

Bradaphraser: knows all

Ghelae: is all

Bradaphraser: butts all

Ghelae: does all

Ghelae: alls all

Tom_mayfair: eats all

Ghelae: drinks all

Ghelae: kills all

Bradaphraser: that day, he became Rhino-man

Ghelae: blahs all

Bradaphraser: and nary a man could stop him

Bradaphraser: Captain America could try, but soccer is his weakness

NeoZidane: woah, my reputation precedes me

~ People on Me