User:The UnIdiot/Awards

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Noob of the Moment Award Noob of the Moment September 2007
Article Narrator of the Month Article Narrator of the Month September & October 2007
Foolitzer Prize Award Foolitzer Prize Winner October 2007
Whore of the Month Award Whore of the Month October 2007
Playwright of the Month badge.png

This user is the

June 2008

Playwright of the Month

Dali Glass Trophy.jpg The Non-Official User Page of the Month Award

Presented By His
Holiness The
Dali Llama

December 2007

Goldstein award.png E G A E D M

The Emmanuel
Goldstein Award

October 2007

Author of the Month Award UnBooks Author of the Month August 2008
Writer of the Month Award Writer of the Month October 2008

Poet Lowrate
This person is the winner of the Poo Lit Surprise, which they won for their article: The Incredible Adventures of MS PAINTMAN!