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Cajek has a 'large box' apparently.

Newcookie.gif Cajek has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.
Newcookie.gif Cajek has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

An honour indeed

I love her to bits, but she still has no idea about the difference between trousers and pants.

A gift from SysRq...

...Plungerman Award(?)
For site maintenance stuff, whether it be being active on VFD, writing helpful pee reviews, or other cool behind-the-scenes stuff. My question is, who the fuck is that green guy?

“Because I can't create a template for decent sorts and then not give it to the most decent sort around. Keep it up sir!”

UUpartay.jpg Woo!
Yay, go you! Under User has decided that you are "quite a decent sort",
which is apparently one of his highest terms of praise!
This is therefore a good thing, and in accordance with this,
he's throwing a party down the manhole to celebrate. Look at him go!

You're not invited though. Don't take it personally.

“I couldn't think of a more appropriate place to test my freshly made template. Thanks for everything.”

Optimuschris has been informed that you have recently helped him in some way.
Therefore he has asked his assistant to create a thank you template for you.
He trusts an appropriate image has been included. An image
every bit as unique and personal as he's assured his recent interaction
with you has been.

“For making that page in that place better that one time.”

Newcookie.gif Modusoperandi has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

Special Cookie.gif REGRETTENENBAUM has awarded you a "special" cookie for fixing up all my talk page trouble!

(there's weed in it)

MShippopenis.jpg Penis!

Sockpuppet of an unregistered user could not help but notice that you have been doing some spiffingly good deeds of late.
As such, you have been awarded this rather nice boxy type thing by way of penis pornography.

Newcookie.gif Somebody has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

User:Zana Dark/Template:Mother

Zombie of the Month Award Zombie of the Month July 2011