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<insert name here>@uncyclopedia:~# finger Kevillips
Doyoureallywanttohurtme: Cyborg, 1963 model with modifications in 2004, 2008
<insert name here>@uncyclopedia:~# _

Name Kevillips III
HIM Emperor of Kentuckistan
Country of Sweden
Country of Sweden
Reign 14 July, 199915 July, 2000
Coronation 14 July, 1999
Full name The Magical Masked Mardi Gras Emperor XVIII, Kevillips
Titles Kentuckistan Colonel
Born Within the sign of Scorpio
St. Paul, MN
Died TBA
as needed
Buried TBA
Predecessor Suzanne I (as regent)
Heir-Presumptive Buttercup
Successor EV
Consort Eden Towers
Empress XVIII
Consort Niagara Falls
Princess Royal
Wife/wives Eden Towers
Empress XVIII
Issue PeaChess
Royal House Pancakes
Dynasty dePaul
Royal anthem Lust for life ~Pop, Iggy
Father Brutious
Mother Diana

IP Hall of FAIL
Cathymay15 and those eyes.gif
who am I trying to kid?
Driver 12, was my designation

Kevillips also known elsewhere as K3vin or Ke7in is a cyborg. No still images of him are known to exist. Every single known image of Kevillips has been proven to be that of a body double.

Vitals[edit | edit source]

  • Name: Kevin
  • Serial Number 0000-0000-0000-1100
  • Education: Too much
  • Chief Weapon: Surprise
  • Chief Weapon: Surprise and fear
  • Favorite outfit: Smarty Pants and a Thinking Cap
  • Occupation: I drove a cab part time. This is an occupation I have performed for years. I did other things too, but they're classified.

Uncyclopedia articles[edit | edit source]

I have written[edit | edit source]

Favorites of mine

In Process[edit | edit source]

I have sporked[edit | edit source]

UnTunes[edit | edit source]

Aspiring Song Writer UnTunes-Believe It!

In the UnNews[edit | edit source]

Some of my favorites

UnFun Facts[edit | edit source]

File:Daughters of american red states emplem.pngI designed this verbally in 2006, and did not bring it to fruit until 2011, when my potatochopping skills improved see DARS

Humor styles[edit | edit source]

I subscribe to the following humor styjs:

  1. Tangenital
  2. Running Gag
  3. multilevel marketing.
  4. checking to see what is in my pockets
  5. The More You Know

At me or with me, that is the question. The answer 42.

The More U Know

Everything I Know can be summed up in the video + 2[edit | edit source]

User:Kevillips/Not safe for work

UBX[edit | edit source]

Clock.gif This user has been on Uncyclopedia for
19 years, 3 months and 17 days.

Family history[edit | edit source]

Main article: /Brief

A lot of dead people did stuff, then there is me.

See also[edit | edit source]

Awards[edit | edit source]

Some are like merit badges, some were bestowed

IRK[edit | edit source]

  • I try to stay live on irc - easy way to reach me is my channel -here is how.User:Kevillips/chat

Even moor y00serboxs[edit | edit source]

This user is happy to help n00bs. Leave them a message »

Half Baked Ideas[edit | edit source]

I played the tuba in HS
  1. /Swedish bikini team
  1. User:Kevillips/UnBooks:Everyone Typos
  2. User:Kevillips/Ward Cunningham
  3. User:Kevillips/Big Book of Silly Stories
  4. User:Kevillips/UnReviews:North
  5. User:Kevillips/UnFuture:Maine Page
  6. Northern Territory and Northern Territory (TV show)
  7. Jeese's Pieces
  8. Angry pong