User:Insineratehymn/heavy metal
Heavy Metals are a class of elements located on the periodic table of music. The elements in the Heavy Metal are characterized by their high atomic and electron density. Heavy metals are classified into four different subgroups: melodic, intermediate, extreme, and alternative. These subgroups are split down even further into isotope classes. All of these metals are used in the production of electronic instruments and large speakers.
Each metal has its own unique resonating frequency. This frequency contains characteristics that can help scientists identify group isotopes into their correct category, so long as they can withstand the sound.
Melodic Metals[edit | edit source]
Heavy Metal[edit | edit source]
This was the first heavy metal to be discovered. It was first discovered by British physicist Ozzy Osbourne on the Black Sabbath[1] in 1970. He described this newfound element as "heavy" and "metal". With that, the new element was given the name "heavy metal". The promotion and sale of this element was big in England but was slow to catch on in America. Jewish enterprising team Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley, based in Detroit, realized the mass-marketing potential of this new element, and with a few tiny corporate decisions, the newly formed KISS organization became the single largest supplier of heavy metal in America. With this success, many other groups in the 1980s tried to copy the heavy metal, but none matched the luster and strength of the heavy metal supplied by KISS.
Well-known isotope classes[edit | edit source]
The most popular isotope that arose during the 1980s was a substance called glam metal. This metal was very bright in color and smelled of cheap hair spray. It is most often used as a pheromone to attract the female gender. It became very popular, especially among the female gender, but the metal eventually flooded the market and no one continued to buy it. Production of glam metal all but stopped and its popularity was soon superseded by grunge.
Power Metal[edit | edit source]

Power Metal's resonating frequency is characterized by epic sounds and a catchy melody. It has a great amount of potential energy and, if used correctly, can be used to slay dragons. The metal has been used by the Germanic people to make swords and axes since time in memorial, but it was not discovered until 1985 by chemist Kai Hansen on Helloween. The metal became an instant success in Europe thanks to the marketing ploys of Blind Guardian.[2] Within just a short time, power metal was being sold in all of the democratic countries in Europe. Power Metal would not reach the countries under communist control until after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Well-known isotope classes[edit | edit source]
Power Metal's high energy potential has allowed engineers to complete innovations once thought impossible. Time-traveling band Iced Earth used power metal to provide energy to their time machine when nuclear fusion wasn't enough. German band Hammerfall use the energy in power metal as a mean to produce heat to keep them warm, as their job requires them to work in very cold areas. British research team Dragonforce has even used power metal to tame the very first dragon.
Doom Metal[edit | edit source]
The resonating frequency of doom metal can be described as slow and highly distorted. It has a very high melting point, so it is used to store large quantities of magma for quick shipment. Doom Metal was synthesized in America in 1979, when a sample of heavy metal was set to spin in a centrifuge at 1RPM for 7 days. The product was very hard and dull in color. Through extensive research, it was discovered that an individual may contract what is called "doom metal poisoning". When a human is exposed to doom metal for longer than 30 days, they will show signs of depression and will begin to preach incessantly that the end is nigh.
Well-known isotope classes[edit | edit source]
During the experiment, the doom metal secreted a gooey by-product with a very hard core. The research team believed it had no use and were about to throw it away when a mechanic team from New Orleans said that they would take it.