User:Gustavo Chapman 3rd of Normandy/about
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You are sports[edit | edit source]Okay, this is an interesting little subject. It all started with this one T-shirt that my cross country team made. The back of it was supposed to read "Our sport is your sport's punishment" know, how like if you're in football and you get in trouble you take a lap, right? And running is what we do cause we're the cross country team, right? It was supposed to be kinda...well I don't rightly know; I wasn't involved in the process of actually comming up with this phrase. Anyways, so they make the shirts, but they come out saying "Our sport is you're sports punishment", and we all thought it was funny so we started saying "you are sports" (you know, like if you expanded "you're sports" it comes out like "you are sports"...well I thought it was clever at the time). Anyways, that's what it means in case I throw it into some conversation on IRC or while I'm doing... UnNews Audio[edit | edit source]Like I mentioned before, I began reading for UnNews audio (scroll all the way down that first list of broadcasters...yeah that's my name right above Dawg's) on el cinco de diciembre. (That's the 5th of December for those of you who don't hablas Español) I enjoy it even though my microphone sucks and I still haven't made it a habit to actually read the article before I record it yet. I'm not nearly as good as Zim or anything, but I try anyways. UnNews Audio is really like all I do now...I don't write as many articles or anything. What you can do[edit | edit source]Give me stuff! Seriously! Give me an award or some kind of recognition for kicking ass! Or just talk to gets kinda lonely over here so if you wanna like go checketh out my talk page, then we can be like the 2nd or 4th best friends in the world, ok? Cool.

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