UnNews:UnNews remembers John Hurt
Wednesday, February 8, 2017

UnNews has been swamped with news -- some real, some fake (or at least fake according to Donald Trump). If you want our take on the latest happenings in Washington, just turn on CNN. We'll get to the latest stories as soon as we can, starting with...
Legendary actor John Hurt has died from cancer at the age of 77. Of all the roles he played in his career, he will forever be remembered as Kane, the astronaut "impregnated" by an extraterrestrial in Ridley Scott's Alien.
Film fans of a slightly younger age may recall Hurt as the voice of The Horned King in Disney's The Black Cauldron, based on Alexander Lloyd's Chronicles of Prydain books. I still have that movie on VHS. It was Disney's first animated PG.
The actor was nominated for an Academy Award twice; first in Alan Parker's Midnight Express, and then again as John Merrick in The Elephant Man.
His career spanned several films, genres, and characters -- everything from Alien to The Elephant Man, from Harry Potter to Snowpiercer, from V for Vandetta to George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four (the version that was actually released in 1984).
Most recently, he appeared in Jackie starring Natalie Portman. He was NOT Kevin's father in Home Alone -- That was John Heard.
Sources[edit | edit source]
- Ralph Ellis "Actor John Hurt dies at 77" CNN, Last updated: January 30, 2017