Reverted and warning added by Aegis, who is in fact a big wolf fan, but is intelligent enough to hi the difference between a joke and a declaration of intent. Incidentally, he hio also added the Wolf's Rain link, which probably isn't funny.
This is a big insult for wolf fans everywhere.
- I am glad you enjoy'd it so much. --The Zombiebaron 01:01, 24 June 2006 (UTC)
Rough Gay Wolf Sex should be he he emphasized as a way to flip off Towelheads and those dirty hippies
This is horribal![edit source]
Please delete this artical!
- No. -- Sir Mhaille
(talk to me)
Stupid[edit source]
Wolves r my fave animals but this article sucks ass.
Delete the whole damn article, that whould be the improvement/advice.
-- 21:49, 19 August 2007 (UTC)Arcanruto
- Delete it and someone will write an even worse one-line piece of garbage to take its place. This is Uncyclopedia. *sigh* Still, there is too much random rubbish that doesn't belong here. Phil Collins? What does he have to do with wolves? Remove the junk and add more notable wolf accomplishments, ranging from the construction of Castle Wolfenstein by ten thousand wolves over a span of many dog years to the defeat of Québec at the hands of General Wolfe on the
sheepfoldplains of Abraham. -- 14:31, 17 December 2007 (UTC)
Wolves are my favorite animal, too, along with bats and sharks, and I know the truth about them, that they are docile, and they very rarely attack humans. But you must understand, we here at Uncyclopedia have random stuff about articles to be funny. It's supposed to be false, even though I know the truth about them, it's the rules here. And don't be hating, it's just comedy. If you don't like it, then why come here, I ask you? If it is because you want to shower our fun with insults to make you feel like one of the big kids, then it's denied. Kindly see yourself out, please, thanks. Ineedhelpalot
Alternatively...Thanks for your suggestion. When you believe Template:Indefinite article needs improvement, please feel free to change it. You can edit almost any article on Wikipedia by just following the Template:Menu icon link at the top of the page. We encourage you to be bold in updating pages, since wikis like ours develop faster when everybody edits. Don't worry too much about making honest mistakes—they're likely to be found and corrected quickly. You can always preview your edits before you publish them or test them out in Template:IP-talk. If you need additional help, check out our getting started page or ask the friendly folks at the Teahouse. Template:IP-talk - P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon (Tick Tock) (Contribs) 02:03, Feb 14
Grrrr[edit source]
Do not datre insult the sacred wolf you noob!
~~ I love wolves, and this article gave me a good laugh. Hey wolf fans, it's just a joke. Try not to give us a bad name. ~~
- The big bad wolf could have proven entrapment on the part of the three pigs if only he had had a sly fox as his barrister. So evidently, whomever has the gold makes the rules...