“They are called Spiked because they should have been”
Spiked is the name of a British halfwit cult pretending to be an Internet magazine. It caters for closet right wing middle-class whingers under a bizarro Marx meets Scrooge McDuck ideology. They worship the act of repeatedly impaling a hand on a sharp nail and arrogantly blaming this action on the Woke/ LGBTQ mob/environmentalists and ‘em Muslims.
The mucky online platform is known for being represented by a large forehead, calling themselves Brendan O Neil.
It must be noted that the common public belief is O’ Neil is a sentient forehead, although it coincidentally resembles a decaying phallus at the same time.
Sociologists consider this as a possible explanation why O’Neil and his nuts regularly appear on the BBC and write for the Sun and The Times, yet, of course, complain about "FREEZE PEACH" being trampled upon - a common tactic for persons with big egos who spurt rubbish and rarely, facts.
Origins[edit | edit source]
“Absolute tosh, Brendan. A half dead, jobby covered rat, gobbling leftovers from the fly ridden Greggs bin is not like a phoenix rising from its ashes. Now let me drink my Iron Bru in peace.”
A long time ago there was a classy British rag mag called LM (ala Living Marxism). In its 80s heyday, its journalists would grimace when The Specials and Madness played; barking at the sky for them opposing colonialist twats and wanting that dude’s freedom; and boycotting south Africa and other scutters [1]. Laughable derangement when one considers that LM was devised by the Revolutionary Communist Party. Who is it whom Nazis always go after first?
Anyway, in 1999 LM lost an infamous court case:[2] LM had stated ITV had deliberately misrepresented a photo of a Bosnian Muslim[3] liberated from a concentration camp. LM claimed it wasn’t a concentration camp, but a Hi-de-Hi camp - a scary holiday location, but not an Cosmic Horror level place -, downplaying the serious as fuck stuff.
A result of this twattery[4] was that LM was done with, staked like that guy who lives in a crypt and goes out at night and preys on helpless people.
Nonetheless, like that hammer horror film subject, LM returned with a new title and platform; Spiked. the new name ironically reflecting its original demise.
How to explain Brendan O'Neil[edit | edit source]

“Brendan O’Neil makes my bean pulse, and my decrepit milkshakes stir. I wish he was my best friend’s husband. Miaow!”
Imagine that the British Rightwing media are a family.
- At the family table you have Grandfather Rupert, and his 17th wife, then their ghoul offspring.
- The ‘working class’ members, GB News; features their Dad Nigel Farage, sitting slightly away from his ex-wife, Katie Hopkins, and their deranged and vicious son Tommy Robinson.
- Siting opposite, are their Waitrose account holding peers, Talk TV; featuring their Dad, James ‘Bloaty’ Whale, as well as their bunny boiler Mum, Julia Hartley Brewer.
- They have a daughter and two sons. Alex Phillips, who has an icky relationship with Uncle Nigel and her brother - Andrew Tate (Cousin Tommy idolises Andrew).
- Then there is the other sibling, Brendan O’Neil.
O’Neil in the 2000’s was for a short term, editor at Sugar Ape. This was a publication for the hipster trend, shady dedicated follower of fashion twentysomethings, who liked to dabble in ‘ironic’ racism and misogyny, however, the fuckwits got rid of Brendan when he went full on, dressing ‘ironically’ like a stormtrooper; no not the Star Wars ones.
Following this Brendan joined Spiked Online as a journalist and went onto become its editor. Since that time, the large, phallic forehead has come to have a better relationship with his parents, but is still in denial of his right-wing attributes, styling himself as being progressive and trendier, and left wing…yes left wing.
The Large Forehead is FUBAR.[edit | edit source]
Here are some of Brendan and Spiked's logical greatest shits hits[5]:
- Cites Orwell to denounce LGBTQ people and be against same sex marriage – allowing all people to marry, why that’s authoritarian!
- If you complain about that bunch doing mad shit you are antisemitic but if you imply there are Islamists taking over Britain that's fine,
- Young victims of men who like to “Fiddle About, Fiddle About ” should remain silent.
- Elitist class war drives racism in football, not actual racism. It is a false moral panic[6]. An aspect of our society that is blown out of portion, by the media. So when John Barnes in the 80s/ early 90s had bananas thrown at him, it wasn’t real, but an illusion of faulty football pitch lighting.
- That young autistic woman who cares about climate change and environmentalism, is a weirdo who has been indoctrinated along with other young environmentalists. Also, this is an religious like ideology that is anti human society and frankly immature; it is against
ongoing capitalist idiocyfreedom! Know your place Greta! [7]
From out of the Forehead's shadow - Brendan's minions.[edit | edit source]
"From out of the Forehead's shadow, there rose creatures who shared its malice and cruelty and desire to dominate" Galadriel, The Fellowship of the Ring.
- Andrew Doyle. A jolly bloke who hosts a GB News programme.
Doyle created the Titania McGrath, spoof woke personality, which appears in the Spectator, a mag, whose journalists praise soldiers who fought for the other side on D-Day. Ironically Doyle is the epitome of Titania McGrath counterpart, a middle aged, arrogant, and spiteful man who wants the yoof to know their place, whilst he shouts at the sky, wishing it was the 1980s.
- Julie Burchill….scary as fuck, journalist who has ate too many sweet and sour wine gums. She is one of those yobbos and deplores Islam; she, just like Tommy Robinson has a habit of using fear of nonces[8] and Islam to rant and rave, and in one instance had to pay damages and publicly apologise after slandering another journalist as such. She, of course, likes to complain about the woke.
"Its all about you baby, its all about you baby" - Fuckwits who the Forehead and his minions like to defend as they too are 'leftwing'.[edit | edit source]
- Nigel Farage.the cuntankous grifter.
- Katie Hopkins. Nigel's rabid ex -wife who believes in the white genocide toot. Speaks volumes Nigel left Katie for her bigotry, and not that she likes to be seen pleasuring builders in public places.
- Tommy Robinson. For God's sake!
- Alex Jones. A yank nutter who has only ever appeared reasonable when debating a weird randy ‘rabbi’ defending horrific shit and that speaks volumes about how fucked up things are now.
- Democratic Football Lads’ Alliance. No doubt their members responded in a fair and compassionate way to the Southport tragedy and not by robbing Greggs and Lush, and pulling people out of cars asking if they are English and want a Greggs’ sausage roll.
- Toby Young. The epitome of a living stereotype: the English Toad and huckster. His ancestor at Rugby boarding school in the 1800s, no doubt, cheered on Flashman as he teabagged Tom Brown.
See also[edit | edit source]
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ The Revolutionary Communist Party, Living Marxism and the road to free speech absolutism – New Historical Express (wordpress.com)
- ↑ LM closes after losing libel action | UK news | The Guardian
- ↑ Is anybody guessing already when this is going ?
- ↑ Twatttery is the English art of stupidness and related poor attributes.. This title dates back to Shakespeare. The bard used it as a reference in Love Labours Lost, to Sir Nigel Twat, a proud noble who after being obnoxious towards other statesmen to the extent one challenged him to a duel, proclaimed to her Majesty, Elizabeth I he was a great swordsman,... only to stab himself with his blade. It must be noted that Dickhead, derives from Marlowe and his poetry. it is common mistake to believe Shakespeare originated both derogative terms.
- ↑ What is Brendan O'Neill? - by Mic Wright (substack.com)
- ↑ Moral Panics are wrong and false eh ? Here is the Giant Forehead: We are witnessing nothing less than a top-down cultural assault on truth — the truth here being that radical Islam is indeed a major threat to life, limb and democracy.
- ↑ Brendan O'Neill - DeSmog
- ↑ Burchill on record, though, once in her fifties, that she is only attracted to twentysomething women….