Forum:Vote to permaban Gale5050
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Note: This topic has been unedited for 1201 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.
I heard through the UN-grapevine that some peeps were thinking of extending Gale5050's ban to indefinite, and I personally think that's a great idea. Gale is guilty of the following (please add more if you know of any additional offenses):
- Deadnaming the Hobo Queen Two.
- Arguing with a user over their own forum.
- Abusing multiple accounts.
- Being here for the wrong reasons, admittedly trying to make us a dramaboard like the parody.
- Pathetically (and obviously) getting a WP editor to ask MrX to hack up a reeeeeally stupid article he created.
- Threatening Uncyc users, and for the record this is similar to what got him blocked on the parody.
- Stealing the cookies from the cookie jar.
--Radical Rocko ❤ (I'm listening...) 21:37, 19 October 2021 (UTC)
Score: -1
4 Per the above. --Radical Rocko ❤ (I'm listening...) 21:37, 19 October 2021 (UTC)
Gadoy MrX 22:25, 19 October 2021 (UTC)
KABLOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ඞ Willy on Wheels, The Fuerdai Vandal. (Babbling ~ Recent ramblings) 12:40, 26 October 2021 (UTC)
Against. Wait until the block expires at least. ~ HipponiasCUN - Talk - Contribs - Articles 07:40, 26 October 2021 (UTC)
Against. He's already banned for three-ish years due to his actions. If he does decide to return, then Hopefully he will have matured by then. There's no reason to enact a permanent block on someone that's already blocked for so long. WohMi, the Dueling King (talk) 12:53, 26 October 2021 (UTC)
Neutral. 3 years is a fine balance. I'd rather be patient before making any final decisions; I don't want us to decide to not ban Gale5050 nor proceed with such a ban immediately. Cassandra (talk) 00:42, 1 November 2021 (UTC)