Forum:Bad Shroom's Fantastical Vacation Exploration of Websites Feared
Tally ho, my fellow users! I come back with riveting tales!,
As I left Uncyclopedia in November due to boredom (which was very childish of me), I realized I needed a new website to frequent. I went everywhere. Through countless Wikias, websites, and blogs, I folund nothing. Eventually I became so desperate I started going on.....4chan. I know, terrifying!
As I went on there, the creatures on there were ape-like and smelled of Cheetos and Mountain Dew. As I ventured through the jungles of /co/ and /v/, (December), I noticed these creatures appeared more human than the media makes them out to be. Still, I was very scared by the demonic pornography I witnessed. Nightmares followed. However, I became accustomed to ignoring these pictures and just focused on the "work-safe" topics. In January, I started going on /b/ for the very fist time. I never went back. By February, I got sick of this cold, hard world and came back here. I now realize, Uncyclopedia is my home.
Anyway, it's good to be back. -
- Hey, I've heard about you... User:NOOB
- Did you bring back help? Johnny's leg is getting worse and I don't know how much longer Frank can go without his insulin. --EMC [TALK] 19:10 Feb 27 2010
- Hey, glad to see you back man. --
Roman Dog Bird
00:11, February 28, 2010 (UTC)
- There are sites outside of Uncyclopedia? *shudder* ~ Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* ~
~ 02 Mar 2010 ~ 04:48 (UTC)