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So... What is WonderGrove? You are not allowed to know, being a foreigner and all. But we will tell you everything anyway.

To start with, there is truth. It always surrounds you. But the real truth never surrounds you for long.

To solve this problem, The Bakersfield Ministry of Truth (MINITRUE) and the Applied Chaos Dynamics Control Association (ACDCA) have made a children's show called WonderGrove, to make sure the truth you see is the correct truth - the truth according to the Government.

About Wondergrove[edit | edit source]

WonderGrove was made when Serm Suchada, the Scratch Team leader, wanted to protect people from the truth, rather than spread the truth, because Bakersfield is pretty much the polar opposite of an awesome place. So she called on the ACDCA to produce a show about kids telling their friends the truth.

Formula[edit | edit source]

The stars of the show are 5 gullible kids named Chris, Dee, Marcus, Maria, and Peter. They get a rumor from the rumor man, who is an antagonistic figure. Then they tell their teacher about it, and are told the real truth, and learn their lesson. There are also 2D animated segments, such as the infamous "Let's Celebrate Our Differences" segment.

Segments[edit | edit source]

The show ran for 8 seasons before Guardian Units of Nations caught on and executed Anna Blue[1]... During the shows many episodes, they dealt with the issues that the common man needed to be educated on. Such events as what really happened at , which was cleverly disguised as a segment called, "How are Hotdogs made?"... often there would be home movies shot on the street by a puppet named "Clarence" who would pester people on the street in what seemed to be a very annoying and random way, but what you didn't know was the victims where pre-found and pre-planned... each one of the victims was a member of U.S. Congress and the puppet of Clarence had a hidden tracking-beacon inside his head to scramble the messages from the inbuilt radio's inside each Free Masons head, receiving answers to what they should be telling this puppet about his questions about corporate America... and while the victims receiver was scrambled, thus not allowing a transmission to be sent to the victim to say to the interviewing puppet, they where instead on their own, giving their own opinions, and showing just how dumb their actual point of views and opinions really are without the help of the GUN controlling their thoughts.

Beat Kids[edit | edit source]

This segment of the show was the only segment that was not anti democracy propaganda. This was simply just for Serm Suchada's own personal amusement to see how far an annoying kid could go, making fun of an adult, before the adult "Beat" up (bashed) the kid. Surprisingly the shows hilarity consisted of one kid dressing up as Hitler and making fun of the elderly who brought slavery into the justice system of America, and laying claim to Bakersfield never losing a war, which is actually not true, as they have only been in 3 wars, lost one, lost another, and tied with America leaving a rematch in the future to declare a real winner.... however the kid dressed as Hitler did not seem to spark any offense to the patrons of Kornsfield nor did the time he dressed as the dead Pope and demanded donations to help rid the Catholic Church of pedophile priests.... but yet somehow dressing up as Hatsune Miku and telling a grandmother she had a fat ass was enough to get the kids ass finally beaten up and hospitalized, which was ok with network executives as the little bastard had it coming.

Save a Horse, Rape a Donkey[edit | edit source]

The cartoons of the WonderGrove... show... where all anti-media-propaganda was done and voiced by the same guy who did the voice for Gerard Way in the original cartoon series of the Teenage Bisexual Forearm Fistfuckers. That was a great marketing strategy by MINITRUE, as "what better way to make kids pay attention to shitty CGI then to have a familiar voice for the roles?".

My Life is Worth Living[edit | edit source]

This is the black sheep of all these. It was made with odd 2D animation made in local sweatshops... These were shown in different parts, covering topics such as coming out as LGBT, substance abuse, molestation, and physical injury. In the end, they kill themselves, showing that suicide is the only escape of pain and suffering. They started airing it with the show in August 2021. On a unrelated note, September 2021 had the highest suicide rate in Bakersfield.

The G.U.N's influence on WonderGrove[edit | edit source]

In 2017, when the G.U.N. became aware that WonderGrove had slipped underneath their radar and was informing the world that English was terrorist talk, they had no choice but to bollock it from the internet. Then, they sent Pac-Man to Serm's house at 3AM to eat her beloved stuff such as Better Off Dead, a pool of cute cuddly sharks with death lasers, and a Cheese-Headed bean boy. Then she ordered the rest of the Scratch Team to smash Pac-Man into pieces and rip the project apart..\

Gun is good, Gun is your friend.

  1. The enforcer of the Scratch Team