User talk:Orian57/UnProvise/UPR/--DEMO UNPROVISE--

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Is this the sort of thing you're meaning Yettie? formatt wise I mean? also about the About page, i'm really stuggling to make it coherant as we still haven't really sorted out what the rules are. we need things like how many per team and stuff. Have Fun!MuCal. Orian57.gif Orian57Talk!Read!PEE!UnProvise!CMC!

I would say maximum five per team. Also I think I'm going to add a bit to the main page which has a list (like the on Cajek's pee page User:Cajek/pee) for everyone who UnProvises. Also Orian - this is the sorta formatting which should go for, I reckon. And with the about thing, why not just submit something and so I can read over it make a few changes and then you can come back to it? - [07:08 29 May] Sir FSt. Don Pleb Yettie (talk) QotF BFF NotM RotM UNPotM UGotM CUN PEE SR UnProvise