User talk:Manforman/HowTo:Count to Infinity

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Yeah, you'd probally be better at writing it than me. Mr. Booger King. Perhaps we could pitch ideas? -- Kippy the Elf Candycane2.png Talk Candycane2.png Works Candycane2.png Candycane2.png Candycane2.png Candycane2.png 12:29, 30 September 2007 (UTC)

That's possible. I still haven't finished Booger King yet, and I'll probably finish that some time soon.--Sir Manforman CUN.png 12:31, 30 September 2007 (UTC)

Doing my reaserch in mathmatics and realizing that Uncyclopedia doesn't have a real page about infinity, I decided I would try to write an article about the number itself. Although I did add another section of your page you could expand upon. I hope you don't mind. -- Kippy the Elf Candycane2.png Talk Candycane2.png Works Candycane2.png Candycane2.png Candycane2.png Candycane2.png 11:26, 1 October 2007 (UTC)

No problem. Just don't remove anything without asking me--Sir Manforman CUN.png 20:50, 1 October 2007 (UTC)