This user is a member of the League of Benson, and therefore admits that Benson is better than themselves. |
rh-3 |
This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of Random Humour. |
Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die. |
News[edit | edit source]
12-5-06 Joined the LEAGUE OF BENSON today. Death to our foes and stuff like that.
10-4-06 Made my first UnNews article: UnNews:Nothing happens, world in chaos. Read it, and maybe feature it. Or if you think it's really really bad, fix it. UPDATE: Severian made it into an mp3! KTHX Sev.
9-19-06 Haharrr! Oi made me a template on Talk Like a Pirate Day! Bend ya backs, ye scurvy dogs! And put it wherever you think 'twould be appropriate (like yer page)!
3-27-06 My first full article that actually has a chance at not being VFQD'd! Bay of Pigs (video game) will be up today!
2-10-06 Will disappear to watch the Olympics. Be back in a couple weeks.
1-13-06 Returned from a one day vacat... Oh, for crying out loud. I got blocked for editing a UN:* page. My apologies to Keitei and the rest of the Uncyclopedic crew.
Real Name: Jorge Ramerez
Hometown: Florin
Occupation: Adventurer
Age: 37
Martial Status: Sworded
- I was born in Florin, the son of a famous blacksmith. As a boy I spent a great deal of time working with my father, and bullying the other children of the area. While I was never very big, I always carried a weapon or six. Or seventeen.
- At the age of 14, my father was killed by a six-fingered bastard. Seeing for the first time a strong male role-model, I myself picked up a sword and began killing people. This led to a great career, and I spent many years in the service of kings, priests, and madmen. Mostly madmen.
- Now that I'm 37, I've started to slow-down my killing spree and spend a little more time enjoying the finer parts of life. Like stichery, gardening, and poetry. I still skewer the occasional spleen, but for the most part, I consider myself retired.
Future Plans:
- With a great deal of swordplay behind me, I am now starting my second career. A stay-at-home-mother for the last six months, my work skills are sadly out-of-date. I've been working on my typing skills, and am applying for a position as secretary for a posh armory. I feel that my sword skills combined with my accounting and filing skills should land me my new dream job.
- I like killing things, sharpening my swords, adventuring, and posting on Uncyclopedia.
- The Man in Black was dreamy, as were the Men in Black. I guess I have a thing for black. Or men. Or Wo-men.
- If you are on this list, then Divine Sophia has obviously blessed you.
- (currently under construction)
- If you are on this list, may Wilde have mercy and smite you painlessly.
- (under construction)
Other things you should know about me:
- I have 15 swords, 9 daggers, and three dirks. I am searching for a red lightsaber.
- My middle name is Montoya.
- I drive a '94 Chevy Impalla. But I'd rather ride a horse and cut down enemies. The company doesn't have a good place to park a horse, though.
- I love Star Wars. (beause of the swords, duh!)
- I am a Cancer.
Stats[edit | edit source]
- Articles Written or ReWritten: 7
- Word association -don't know what I was thinking, got deleted
- Bay of Pigs (video game)
- Napoleonic Wars (video game)- never finished, huffed
- Narcolepsy - huffed
- UnNews:Nothing happens, world in chaos.
- Calorington
- F-Zero - currently under construction!
- Articles Killed (Quick Delete): 10
- During FFW: 2
- Page Moves: 1
- Calorington to Calorington (town)
- Editing Bans: 1 (Jan 12 2006)
- IRC Bans: 1 (Apr 13 2006, lasted until Apr 20 2006)
Contact me: Leave a message on my Talk Page
(Thank you Famine for the page. However, I felt I could do some additions. You can too! Please try to ruin this page!)