Sir Alec Dow, Anagrammatist/Dow on America

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Sid Carlowe: one of Dow's many psudonyms.
The Country currently getting roasted.

This article is specifically for Dow roasting America, due to space reasons.

Dow on US States (and Territories)[edit | edit source]

Arizona Or a Nazi
California Ra! Fail Icon!
Connecticut Conceit, cunt!
Delaware Lewd area
Georgia I go rage
(State of) Hawaii I await those, AF.
New York Wonkery
Puerto Rico Er... coup riot?
Rhode Island I'd hand, loser
Washington DC Snatching Dow
Wisconsin Cows in Sin

Cons in Wis.

Wyoming My owing

Dow on US cities[edit | edit source]

Albany By anal
Austin It anus
Boise i.e. "sob"
Dallas All Sad
Houston Unsooth
Kenosha Sank hoe
Las Vegas Salvages
Miami I maim
New York City Wonky, I cry-E.T.
Phoenix Nix hope
Raleigh Egh, Liar
Saint Louis It anus soil
Saint Paul A slut pain
Salem Lames
San Diego Agonised
Tulsa/Altus A Slut.

Dow on American Counties[edit | edit source]

Erie I...REE!
Orange An ogre

Dow on America's name[edit | edit source]

The United States of America A Neat Roast: Theft 'em, Suicide.
MERICA!!! A crime.
The US of A Fat House

Dow on Presidents[edit | edit source]

George Washington Segregating, no how
James Madison Joins a mad mess
James Polk JP's lame, OK?

Dow on Monuments[edit | edit source]