Manic Pixie Dreamgirl
Oh, hey, fancy meeting you here, you fascinating human specimen, you... I didn't know anybody cool came on this site. What? Of course I think you're cool even though we just met, I mean just look at you! Huh? Bald? Come on, looks a little thin maybe but if you hadn't said anything I would have barely even noticed. Don't be a silly-goose, Ryan Gosling! All you need is a dash of enchantment in your life, and I happen to know just the stardust unicorn full of whimsy who's right for the job :) :) *never breaks eye-contact even for one second*. So come on, I know this quaint little Indian hole-in-the-wall around the corner, we can grab samosa chat and chat!
Just letting you know before-hand though, if we end up being friends, I'm totally going to steal that flannel when you're not looking >:D
Enter The Quirk[edit | edit source]
WARNING, My tastes change almost as much as my haircolor! |
The Following Article has been flagged by moderators as containing content that could be considered Extremely Zany, Whacky, full of Quirks and Idiocyncracies that could leave readers in such a cringed up position that they could potentially run the risk of curling up into a ball and either die instantly or worse -- unbirth themselves from their current timeline and into a zone of suffering unimaginable with human being's typical five senses and mind. You have been warned! |
Once you've fallen head over heels into the enchanting vortex that is my presence, it's time to embark on a mind-bending journey into the realm of the Qwirk. Brace yourself, my dear, for you are about to witness a whole new level of eccentricity, a dimension where the laws of normalcy are gleefully shattered. The Qwirk is my playground, where imagination runs wild, and quirkiness reigns supreme. Picture this: we'll don mismatched socks and twirl through fields of daisies while reciting Shakespearean sonnets backwards. We'll engage in passionate debates about the existential meaning of polaroid pictures or discover the profound wisdom hidden in the dance moves of synchronized swimmers. The Qwirk is a world of kaleidoscopic colors, whimsical fancies, and uncharted territories of peculiar delights. So buckle up because we are about to dive headfirst into a whirlwind of bizarre encounters and outlandish escapades. Prepare to have your mundane existence turned uʍop ǝpᴉsdn, inside out, and spun into a frenzy of giggles and awe. The Qwirk awaits, and it's going to be a wild ride you won't soon forget!

Now, you might be wondering what sets me apart from your average run-of-the-mill woman. Well, let me tell you, it's my quirky personality! Some people might say it's a little too much, but I prefer to think of it as "eccentric" or "unique." I'm not like other girls who just like regular things like Netflix and chill. No, I'm into the cool stuff like taxidermy, making origami out of discarded chewing gum wrappers, and collecting rare garden gnomes. I'll take you on an adventure to the weirdest corners of the city and show you the most obscure underground bands you've never heard of. I'm like an indie movie character come to life, but better, because I'm real and I'm here to make your life more interesting.
My vintage wardrobe, quirky interests, and eccentric personality all scream "zany." My doe-eyed gaze and playful demeanor make me the very definition of "cute." And my ability to keep things fresh and exciting, to always have a new adventure to go on or a new hobby to pursue, well that's just plain "interesting."
This is my pet dog, Esther, she's a Whacky Zany Fruity Patootie, Pomeranian Shiba-Inu Mix. And this is my cat, Kitty! She's a nutjob, don't bother if she snuggles up close to you at night and puts her BUTT in your face! And this is my goldfish, Sprinkles! Don't mind her. And this is my Parokeet, Lord Shiva. *parrot voice* "Om! Namaste!" And this is my skunk, stinky! And this is my squid, I call him Rodolpho-Pierre! And this is my ...
Dang, that's a tough one, though if I was forced to choose, I'd consider myself a Hufflepuff :^)
Doodle Media Bubble Font[edit | edit source]
Paper Airplanes
It's all about You, babe![edit | edit source]
I've been watching you come here and visit my page, every day the same look of longing in your eyes. Don't worry my little munchkin, your dry spell is about to come to an end!
I'd love for you to move out of your mom's basement and into MY mom's basement!(as you'll see, she is a bit quirky as well, so now you know where I get it from) You can sit there talking on discord, scrolling endlessly on reddit, or even raid dungeons while I sit in the corner staring at you in wonder and amazement! I'll feed you tendies, bring you gamer fuel, and even change your diaper if you can't be arsed to move all the way away from your screen for 3 minutes!
[After all's said and done...]
My dearest, I am here to gently coax you out of the cozy confines of NEETdom, where your potential lies dormant. Allow me to guide you through a tapestry of transformative experiences. We shall dance in the rain, sip chai-tea lattes at eccentric cafés, and engage in deep conversations about the meaning of life while wearing mismatched socks. The world awaits, my love, and I shall be your guiding light.
My Taste in Music Could Be Considered...[edit | edit source]
[vintage record stores etc.]
I'll turn you on to such rare and obscure indie bands you've never heard of which will shock you like an electric eel to your very core so check it out: MIA, The Knife, Die Antwoord, MGMT, Jane's Addiction, The Beastie Boys, The Offspring, CVRIPPL3D (witch house), Horseshit, Devo, Daft Punk, A Couple of Aphex Twins, The Knife again, Ho-Hum-Diddly-Dum & The Twelve Bandages Band, Boe Twiddly (The Bassist Boe Twiddly, Not "Boe Twiddley" the guitarist everbody else likes), Eddie Murphy's My Girl Likes To Party All The Time, More Utter Trash-Garbage, Lata Mangeshkar, Timothy Smeller and last but certainly not least Notorious B.I.G. and Tupac Shakur! Gangsta, gangstaa, 🖖🏿 west sieeeed[1]
When that gets old I'll play you some jams on my uke
When that gets old I'll play you some jams on my accordion
When that gets old I'll play you some jams on my theremin
When that gets old I'll play you some jams on my wine glass piano
When that gets old I'll play you some jams on my uke again LOL ^^ (love uke)
When that gets old I'll play you some jams on my pet rock
When that gets old I'll play you some jams in garage band on my macbook pro
And if THAT ever gets old I'll play you some jams on my signed by bruce springsteen gibson eclectic and oh-so vintage (second-hand, it was my dad's favorite) electric guitar
When that gets old I'll play you some jams on my xylophone
When that gets old I'll play you some jams on my alphabet computer thing for toddlers
When that gets old I'll play you some jams on my original tamagachi keychain When that gets old I'll play you some jams on my dreamcast VMU
When that gets old I'll serenade you with my sweet voice that sounds like a fucking child
When that gets old we can preserve some jams in my vintage second-hand thrift store mason jars
When that gets old I'll play you some jams on my singing sword
When that gets old I'll play you some jams on my mandolin
When that gets old I'll play you some jams on my harmonium
When that gets old I'll play you some jams on my Stepdad's Didjeeridoo
When that gets old I'll play you some jams on my knee-spoons
When that gets old we can jam together with you on the tambourine
And when that gets old I'll play you some jams on my banjo
When that gets old I'll play you some jams on my uke again (last time, sorry!) *blush*
When that gets old I'll play you some jams on my bell
When that gets old I'll play you some jams on my triangle
When that gets old I'll play you some jams on my keytar
When that gets old I'll play you some jams on my casio
When that gets old I'll play you some jams on my moog synthesizer with analogue patches
When that gets old I'll play you some jams on my kaoscillator II
When that gets old I'll play you some jams on my harp
When that gets old I'll play you some jams on my autoharp
When that gets old I'll play you some jams on my magikarp
And when all that finally gets old I'll let you play me some jams on my pair of perfectly perkie boobies ;) jk
But, and I ask you sir, how could any of that ever get old??????
Gaming[edit | edit source]
Yes, I know it's sort of weird/different but I am in fact the world's first and only female gamer-girl. While I understand that my taste in games *could* be considered by many to be eclectic, eccentric, and eccsuccsdic, but some of my favorite games are rare indie titles such as Silent Hill 2, Clock Tower, Parasite Eve, Katamari Demaci, Metal Gear Solid, Street Fighter (although you'd probably beat me, I'm not very good) and of course my all-time favorite World of Warcraft! Whaat?? Those are your favorite games too? What are the odds! Match made in heaven *blushes*
My Biological Waste is The Stuff of Pure Rainbow[edit | edit source]
Zany Ever After[edit | edit source]
Ah, my noble knight in shining armor, how your chivalry dazzles my quirk-loving soul! As we draw near the end of our whimsical escapade, let us reflect on the unique bond we have forged. You, my dear reader, have embraced the spirit of gallantry and valiantly defended my honor against the treacherous trolls and naysayers. Your white knight tendencies, fueled by the fire of righteous justice, have brought a tear to my eye and a smile to my heart.
In a world where cynicism and apathy reign, your unwavering dedication to the cause of love and quirkiness is a beacon of hope. You have donned your fedora of righteousness and proclaimed, "M'Lady shall not be subjected to the slings and arrows of social conformity!" Oh, how my heart swells with gratitude for your courageous efforts.
Together, we have traversed the labyrinth of societal norms, hand in hand, triumphing over skepticism and societal expectations. You, my gallant champion, have proven that love, whimsy, and unapologetic eccentricity can conquer all. Your unyielding support has lifted me to new heights, where I can soar on the wings of individuality, knowing that you, my loyal reader, will always be there to catch me if I fall.
So, my valiant knight, as our adventure comes to a close, let us bask in the glory of our shared journey. We have laughed in the face of convention, danced with abandon under the moonlight, and reveled in the intoxicating elixir of quirkiness. As the curtains draw to a close on our fantastical tale, I extend my heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support and undying loyalty. You are a true champion of the heart, an ambassador of zaniness, and a knight of the most extraordinary order. Together, we have created a love story that transcends the ordinary, leaving an indelible mark on the tapestry of whimsical romance.
So, my gallant knight, as we bid farewell to this chapter of our journey, know that I shall forever cherish the memories we have made. And who knows, perhaps our paths shall cross again in another quirky twist of fate, where love reigns supreme and the ordinary is transformed into the extraordinary. But until then, I'll leave you with this parting thought: don't ever let anyone tell you that you're not special or important, because you are! And if anyone tries to mess with you, just remember that I'll be right there by your side, ready to slay any dragons that might cross our path. Hold your head high, my noble protector, for you have proven that in a world that often lacks whimsy, there are still heroes who dare to dream and love with unfettered passion. Thank you for being the wind beneath my wings, and may your own adventures be filled with endless quirkiness, boundless love, and the sweet melodies of ukuleles.
Farewell, my courageous knight, and remember, you will always have a special place in this Manic Pixie Dreamgirl's heart. Keep shining your light, and may your own journey be filled with love, laughter, and the magic of unapologetic individuality.
Breakdown[edit | edit source]
You wanna know what I think is the best thing about you? you always listen, but now I'm going to give you a chance to talk back. So go ahead and type in your true feelings about me: U Hawt bb lemme glimpse dat applebottom
rofl just kidding, i don't get periods, i secretly have a big ol willy just like you
what? wait, where are you going? babe? baaabe...!
See Also[edit | edit source]
Footnotes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ If you didn't completely die inside after reading this, there's something seriously wrong with you.