Forum:Meta wiki for all Uncyclopedia languages
I got an idea of creating on Wikia a meta wiki for all Uncyclopedia languages. There is already support from some of the languages (Polish, Catalan, Deutsch, Italiano, Russian, sorry if I missed someone), now I'm looking for your support as the biggest Uncyclopedia eve made. Yeah, I know there's already Carl's wiki with CPOV, but we need a wiki with another CPOV (Community Point Of View). There's already more than 30 languages, and some are strong alienated from all this, so, do anybody wanna help? Or everybody? We need some native english speakers too. Szoferka 05:04, 26 November 2006 (UTC)
- I say use the existing meta-wiki, I see no need to create a new one. For the complete discussion between me and Szoferka as wether to create a new meta or revitalize the old one see here.---Asteroid B612
(aka Rataube) - Ñ 15:59, 26 November 2006 (UTC)
- UnMeta is dead, Long live UnMeta. No seriously, no one goes there anymore (as far as I know). No other langauge need polute the web with anouther dead Meta. To bad. --Sir Zombiebaron 18:16, 26 November 2006 (UTC)
- I got a note about this on désencyclopédie. I have read the conversation on Rataube's talk page linked above. Uh... Soooo, guys. What's this then, some sort of cross-language infighting? Well, okay, that's fine with me. I propose to settle this via boxing match. I volunteer to organize the associated illegal gambling and fight fixing. Dan Huffman 04:05, 27 November 2006 (UTC)
- I also see you huffed the stub on désencyclopédie and redirected it to uncyclopedia. Well! Anglo oppression!! Anglo oppression I say!!! That's it, I'm voting Bloc. Dan Huffman 04:12, 27 November 2006 (UTC)
- Boxing? Bah, let's make it The WUI (World UnWar I).---Asteroid B612
(aka Rataube) - Ñ 23:40, 27 November 2006 (UTC)
- I volunteer to organize the associated illegal arms trade. Dan Huffman 14:30, 29 November 2006 (UTC)
- Boxing? Bah, let's make it The WUI (World UnWar I).---Asteroid B612
Here on Uncyclopedia, I was expecting the most serious and enthusiastic response, but I've got the least. Well, thanks for that. Szoferka 23:07, 27 November 2006 (UTC)
- Okay, you probably deserve a serious response. (The rest of you: forgive me. If you don't like serious, read the following as if I am on fire and/or inhaled helium or something, ok?) You posted a note to my user talk page, I followed up with you for detaisl, and was directed to this forum page, where I followed the link from here to Rataube's user talk page. I must say, my overall reaction is that this reeks of internal politics of some sort, and in fact, the whole idea sounds like "same as meta, but not run by carlb". Is that an unfair assessment of the situation? If not, then I regret to say that my answer is no, I am not interested. In fact, carlb is an admin on désencylopédie, and I generally approve of the way he does things.
- Regards, Dan Huffman 14:30, 29 November 2006 (UTC)
- Same as Duffman here. Indeed, it's exactly the "same as meta, but not run by carlb". I asked Szoferka what would make this wiki succesful where the former failed, what would make the difference. According to her answers, the only other difference besides Carlb's hosting is an eventual community support. But the community support she is gathering for the new one could as easily be drove to the old one. So yes, Carlb is the only difference, and that doesn't make any sense to me.---Asteroid B612
(aka Rataube) - Ñ 14:55, 29 November 2006 (UTC)
- Only if we are all made admins on the new meta wiki and can oppress the Uncyclopedias of world, take all your stuff and claim we are bringing you freedom, but seriously I can that it maybe worth moving the existing meta to wikia (or copying it for that matter given it's license) then giving it a good clean up but if the only reason to do so is because you have a problem with Carlb then why bother?--The Right Honourable Maj Sir Elvis UmP KUN FIC MDA VFH Bur. CM and bars UGM F@H (Petition) 15:06, 29 November 2006 (UTC)
You all probably know Carl as a good contributor. I bet, becouse I know that stat. Anyway let see what's wrong:
- It's not a normal situation when one user is trying to gain profit from common trademark and name "Uncyclopedia", owned by community (by buying and
- It's not a normal situation, when somebody is trying to make wiki for all people interested and on such page there's nothing about hosting alternatives.
- It's not a normal situation when one user demands subdomains on, when he have no any rights for it.
- Carl is mirroring Wikia wikis for security, as he is saying. Then why they stays editable, so not synchronized? Why he is not closing it on community request? And why some of his interwiki tables are still pointing to instaed of Wikia where these wikis really are? For security, of course.
- Carl is stealing Wikia traffic and work of houndreds of people. Nonsensopedia community feel robbed. Maybe you don't care about yours edits, but I am.
- It's not a normal situation when somebody is making wiki for some group and is not inviting that group.
- Uncyclopedia was made for fun. Other languages too. With Carl it's not fun anymore and I'm getting sick when I know that every edit I've made is stealed somewhere in Canada, for security, world peace or whatever.
- Carl is one person. Wikia staff is now more than 20. I trust 20 people more than one, even if that 20 are capitalists, whatever it means.
If you all feel comfortable in editing something hosting by Carl, just say it. Yeah, it's okey. Or: Yeah, we don't care, so it's better when Carl takes care about it than nobody. Maybe I shouldn't be charging contributor so experienced as Carl is, but I'm have more experience than him in Uncys.
We need meta. There's alredy more than 30 languages, half of them need some support from old brothers and I don't really think that CC-NC on one and GFDL on others is big problem. Also I'm sure that lot of people across projects don't realize what problems we have as a international community. Or, maybe, there's no any international community and we should live separated. We should ask people from other languages to leave from our native wikis? Why not, lets stay separated. Ban interlanguage bots? Sure. But all that is your decision.
All my problem is splited community with no perspectives of joining together. There are two options:
- It's Carl and all his actions paralizing any moves.
- We don't need any international community and there's no "we" in that case.
What will you say? Szoferka 03:13, 30 November 2006 (UTC)
- I don't know what's going on with and the mirror, this is a bit beyond my knowledge. Maybe our situation is different: dÉsencyclopédie is dual-licensed, the name is not trademarked, and we are mostly in Canada anyway. Those who are not in Canada are, well, already accustomed to us Canadians oppressing them. As for the synchronization and interwiki tables, that's just over my head. And you know, it's not really just a co-incidence that the person you're asking doesn't fully understand what you're talking about. Because I guess here is another major difference in our situation: when it comes to cross-language co-operation, I'm going to guess you are the most interested and knowledgeable Nonsensopedian. I guess same for Rataube and Inciclopedia. Me, I'm not any sort of ambassador by any stretch of the imagination: anyone who has ever heard of me here before, please raise your hand.
- ...anyone?
- Alright then. Who can tell me which dÉsencyclopédien is by far, and I mean by far, the most interested, most knowledgeable, and most competent in this cross-language co-operation business? Dan Huffman 15:24, 30 November 2006 (UTC)
- Szoferka: First of all, take a glass of a good polish vodka and relax. Second, things are not black or white. Carl is not stealing, since mirroring is allowed if not encouraged by the licenses, he is doing what he considers to be the best and he is in his right to do so. Still, I agree the editable mirrors are inapropiate, in the current states of affairs they may do more harm than good, and so is pointing to the mirros where they may be mistaken for the actual sites. But that's not a reason for declaring war and transform the mirroring in actual spliting. I propose we try to arrive to an agreement: 1. Carlb locks the mirros and he may unlock them in the future only if there is a community approval to depart from wikia (by any of the mirrored wikias, say if the germans leave, the german mirror may be freed). 2. You do whatever you want to do in the existing meta and don't start a new one unless there is community approval to shut the former one. 3. You and other few representatives of the biggest foreign uncycs get sysop status there. 4. We all stay happy and calmed drinking polish vodka. 5. If the vodka is too strong we are allowed to mix it with orange or lemon juice.
- Huffman: Carlb, but he's been away lately. I never heard of any other. But since you bothered to answer this post you are the second.---Asteroid B612
(aka Rataube) - Ñ 15:40, 30 November 2006 (UTC)
Dan Huffman: You are people in Canada, ok. But i don't think you will go to Carl's home to encorce something. The main problem is mirrors and Carl's ignorance. Most know person from dÉsencyclopédie, but if I can't talk with Carl, I can cooperate with you or any people interested.
Rataube: Carl *is* stealing content for months for a simple reason. All Wikia wikis are signed as CC license, but they all are licensed under GFDL (except dÉsencyclopédie that is actually mirrored on, and, isn't this sick?). Wrong license given is in fact no license given. Carl cannot understand that other language versions are a indepentent projects, not a groups of people translating every word from Uncyclopedia and watching Uncyclopedia RC for another diffs to translate. If he can't understand this it's a good sight how he understand all things he is doing.
Generally, same as Carl don't trust Wikia, I don't trust him. I fear of my edits that may be deleted with whole wiki or wikis just becouse of his caprice. And I'm not going to edit there until Carl invites me and others. He haven't do this until now. When he fix all interwiki table, close all mirrors (also these on and invites people to build international community on then yeah, I'll come. Szoferka 23:57, 1 December 2006 (UTC)