Forum:I wrote a song about nin

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Forums: Index > Village Dump > I wrote a song about nin
Note: This topic has been unedited for 6219 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

I wrote a song about nin. It isn't very good, nor is there an audio version, and it's ripped off Radiohead, but meh. Seeing as i never met nin i might as well make something to remember him by. Wait, that makes no sense. Here goes. (Bear in mind this goes to the tune of the radiohead song creep.

When i was here before

I was thinking about the wii

Until i realised BENSON

was better than me

I want you to notice

After im banned

I wish i was BENSON

I really love BENSON

But I am nin

i am ninny

what the hell am i doing here?

I wish i was BENSON

I was talking to BENSON

He's just like my god

But then rcmurphy

Featured euroipods

I want you to notice

After im gone

I hate Euroipods

I hate Euroipods

But i am nin

i am ninny

what the hell am i doing here?

I hate euroipods

What ever you say

What ever you want

Why the hell did you ban me?

Why don't you unban me?

Why don't you unban me?

/me waits for the applause

--Small Pineapple2.png» >ZEROTROUSERS!!! EAT ME!!!! CRAZY PERSON! SMELLY!!! ILLOGIC, BEHOLD!!!!~» 07:37, 8 May 2007 (UTC)

What the spork? I was told this was going to be a rock concert, with booze and chicks, and I show up to find a poetry reading? At least it beats any of the crap in my English class... --The Acceptable Thinking cap small.png Cainad Sacred Chao.png (Fnord) 07:44, 8 May 2007 (UTC)
Zerotrousers, that was brilliant! I had to stifle giggles as I'm reading it in class! ^_^ ~ Dame Ceridwyn ~ talk DUN VoNSE arc2.0 01:23, 09 May 2007

Not bad, but...

I just think using "Creep" for this strikes the wrong note, so to speak. User:Nintendorulez was certainly no creep - indeed, he was more of a missionary, trying to bring his notion of what's funny and what isn't to the teeming, ignorant masses. It seems to me that the proper Radiohead song to use would be something like Fake Plastic Trees:

A free European iPod
For a fake caps-lock wiki god
In Uncyyyyy-clo-Earth

That he got from a spammer man
On a site full of featured spam
To get rid of himself

It wears him out... it wears him out
It wears him out... it weeaaaars him out...

It lasts for eleven months 
His name's in there only once
But it sits there... and burns

He used to do editings
On funny things in wikis
But RC always wins

And it wears him out... it wears him out
It wears him out... it weeeeaaarrrrrs...

It looks like an article
But it tastes like a bitter pill
My Eurooooo-ipods

And I can't help the feeling
I could stop all the featuring
If I never give up

But it wears me out... it wears me out
It wears me out... it wears me out

And if I got banned, like you wanted
If I got banned like you wanted...
For all time
For all time...

 c • > • cunwapquc? 05:03, 9 May 2007 (UTC)

Me like. Sorry Zerotrousers, but truly this is the song we should play for Nin's funeral. What, that's not what this is about? --Strange.PNG (but) Untrue  Whhhy?Whut?How? *Back from the dead* 07:05, 9 May 2007 (UTC)