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Forum:A vote to take away the admin rights of Mr-ex777

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Forums: Index > Village Dump > A vote to take away the admin rights of Mr-ex777
Note: This topic has been unedited for 3375 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.
Mr-ex777 has voluntarily removed his own admin rights, therefore this vote is now closed.

Mr-ex777 has been mean to me since I joined Uncyclopedia. He blockss my editing for no reason. He takes off my deletion nominations for no reason. When nicer admins undo his unfairness he undoes them. He also threatens to ban people like me for no reason. I made this forum before but Mr-ex777 deleted it and blocked my editing again. I dont feel safe with Mr-ex777 having admin rights. Hes making Uncyclopedia look bad and he needs to have his admin rights taken away. Im sorry Mr-ex777 but its the only way. PeeWee92 (talk) 18:40, 19 November 2015 (UTC)


Score: +3 in favor, 1 opposed
  • Im sorry but it must happen. PeeWee92 (talk) 18:40, 19 November 2015 (UTC)
  • Against I haven't been back long, but because this seems like a personal problem between you two, I recommend you go through a third-party mediator first rather than bringing the problem up in this public manner. And a bit of note on your editing: From what I've seen, you are quite active on VFD. That's great. Wanting to reduce the amount of crap on this site should be seen as a noble endeavor (as noble an endeavor editing a satirical wiki can be seen as, at least). However, a better way to do that would be to rewrite bad articles and make them good. Think about it this way, every article acts as a bridge. Good articles are like major, beautiful bridges that you can take pride in. Bad articles are debilitated and in need of repair/replacement or demolition. The lazy, often easier route is to just dynamite (delete) the whole thing, but doing that too often cuts off valuable links. In the case of mass deletion, it creates red links and reduces the overall content on the site. If we have less content, we won't attract as many users. tl;dr version - Go rewrite some articles and don't make forums about de-opping someone. MegaPleb Dexter111344 Complain here 20:28, 19 November 2015 (UTC)
  • Symbol for vote.svg Reluctant for. It really doesn't please me to do this but unfortunately I feel it would be best for everybody here if Mr-ex777 was deopped, and whilst this proposal might not have been presented the best way, I have to reluctantly agree with it as the issue has become bigger than just a personal problem between two people. My concerns started when Mr-ex gave PeeWee92 a ban for one year for blanking his article (after PeeWee was banned for a day for writing vanity and told not to blank). However, PeeWee's intent seemed to have been that he wanted to delete the article, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt, shortened the block back to 1 day (or lifed rather as the day was up) and advised him to send it to UN:VFD. However when PeeWee acted on my suggestion, Mr-ex reverted the VFD nomination and again blocked PeeWee. A few days later, I lifted PeeWee's block and explained to Mr-ex that PeeWee hadn't actually done anything banworthy since his previous block, with the VFD nomination being restored. I had hoped at this point that Mr-ex would listen to reason and this would be the end of it. Afterwards however, Mr-ex had archived the nomination for his article before it was even up for long enough to gain any consensus whatsoever. He was subsequently reverted by Cat only for Mr-ex to once again revert another admin, and did the same when Kip restored the nomination. Just today, Mr-ex removed every VFD nomination made by PeeWee92 only to be reverted by ColinAYB. As if unfairly removing every VFD nomination wasn't enough, Mr-ex gave PeeWee92 another block but shortly removed it and used the block summary, "If you dare do something crazy i will kill you for sure". In addition, he also made a threat of what's essentially op abuse should PeeWee92 make any further VFD nominations.
    Furthermore, Mr-ex appears unwilling to be reasoned with in all of this. He has accused myself, Cat and Kip of assisting/feeding "trolls", despite the fact that PeeWee92 hasn't trolled. He has also clashed with several admins on IRC, all of whom have attempted to reason with him (today's log, yesterday's and the day before's), only for him to continue reverting admins, removing VFD nominations and issuing unfair blocks. He has refused to move on from this issue for a few days now and unfortunately I feel it has gotten to the point where I feel that Mr-ex's actions are reflecting negatively on the site. Back when PeeWee92 proposed deopping Mr-ex before (that forum was deleted by Mr-ex, which probably doesn't help here), I felt he was jumping the gun a bit, but now a few days later I feel that Mr-ex's actions as well as his unwillingness to listen to reason from several different admins has lead us to this unfortunate position.
    Just to be clear, I hold no negative feelings whatsoever towards Mr-ex777 and I would very much like to see him remain a member of our community, just not in an admin role. -- Lost Labyrinth It's Britain bitch! (t)(c)(a) 20:35, 19 November 2015 (UTC)
Oh and he just deleted this forum as well before I restored it. Yeah... I don't need to say any more. -- Lost Labyrinth It's Britain bitch! (t)(c)(a) 01:38, 20 November 2015 (UTC)
  • Symbol for vote.svg For. I'm sorry, but I feel this is the right thing to do. 20:51, 19 November 2015 (UTC)

Mr-ex getting the admin rights always seemed more like (another) in-joke for the chatters-not-proper-uncyclopedians. Never really understood the point of any of his contributions or articles. Having said that, it seems obvious to me that Peewee is fucking with him; the wording alone at the top reads like trolling, and joining up on Uncyclopedia and doing nothing but nominating shit for VfD is weird behaviour. I'd personally like to see Mr-ex de-opped and Peewee told to start writing and give the delete button a rest. Uncyclopedia is, because it's written by a million different people, patchy in quality. Taking a forest fire approach only pisses off contributors. Leverage (talk) 10:15, 20 November 2015 (UTC)

I agree with Leverage, we should ban them both immediately. - B@NZai k!tten BANZAI! (Meow?)B 14:25, 20 November 2015 (UTC)

Bitches, be cool...

The danger with these sort of things is that invariably that they occur during periods of heightened tension, particularly for those involved. I'd suggest a temporary removal of rights for one party and a temporary ban for the other party, let everyone chill the fuck out and get back to making with the funny. We can then at let this burn itself out and find a way that works with everyone at a later date. -- Sir Mhaille Icons-flag-gb.png (talk to me)