Calista Flockhart

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Calista Flockhart
Directed by John Green
Written by John Brown
Starring Ally McBeal as Calista Flockhart

John Cage as John Cage
Robert Fish as Robert Fish
Lucy Liu as Hot Japanease Lawyer

Produced by John Red
Distributed by John White
Seasons 8
Runtime 44 minutes
Language Simple English

Calista Flockhart is an American television show named after its main character of the same name who was played by Ally McBeal. It ran from March 4, 1997 to October 21, 2002, counting a total of 161 episodes. Its main plot was about an anorexic atourney at law trying to balance her life around her trials, her relationships with her friends and co-workers, her two boyfriends, John Cage and Robert Fish and her Psychosis.

Storyline[edit | edit source]

Calista tries to live a regular life depite her many diseases, such as Tourette's Syndrome, Anorexia and Psychosis.

Work[edit | edit source]

She has two boyfriends, both co-workers, John Cage and Robert Fish. Robert is the sole partner of the company, called Fish. Also, in Fish, there is Hot Japanease Lawyer, played by Lucy Liu. In the middle of Season 6, she changes her name to Hot Japanease Judge, more appropriate to her new job. Later, in the Season 7 Finale, John Cage kills her.

Friends[edit | edit source]

Calista's friends were never played by the same person in two different episodes. This was seen as an opportunity to new actors and actresses to get a jump start in his/her career. Famous Calista's friends include Samuel L. Jackson, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Frank Sinatra and Sarah Jessica Parker. Most of her non-co-worker friends, she met at her group therapies.

Group Therapies[edit | edit source]

Calista, like the actress Ally, participated in various group therapies, such as the I AM GONNA KILL YOU Group Sessions For Psychotics and the FGTFTMFBWSWTGDTSS (Fucking Group Therapy For Those Mother Fucking Bastards Who Suffer With The God Damn Tourette's Syndrome Shit).

Other Characters[edit | edit source]

John Cage[edit | edit source]

The sexy stupid lawyer, is one of Calista's boyfriends. He suffers from Psychosis, such as his love interest. The illness caused him to kill Hot Japanease Judge in Season 7. He composed the longest song in the world. Played by John Cage, actor who scored the 3rd position in the Top 100 Sexiest Men Alive, losing only to George Clooney and Serena Williams.

Robert Fish[edit | edit source]

The ugly, but bright senior and only partner of the lawyers firm, is one of Calista's boyfriends. He is the only known male mermaid, result of the mating of Leonardo Da Vinci and Female Gold Fish. He composed the longest song in the world. Played by Robert Fish, the only known male mermaid in the world.

Hot Japanease Lawyer Slash Judge[edit | edit source]

The oriental killer isn't much of an attourney, but those legs can get her anything. She mantains a power over mankind that cannot be compared. Played by Lucy Liu, Chuck Norris' wife, who has been in several motion pictures, such as Kill Charlie and The Bill's Angels.

External links[edit | edit source]