Ape-Shit Crazy/Old

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I won't forget this, you know.
NOTE: The many moons of Jupiter separate Ape-Shit Crazy and Bat Fuck Insane, and they are not to be confused... OR ELSE!!!

“This autobiography is the most grisly optimizing bachelor that I have ever matured”

~ Pat Robertson on Ape-Shit Crazy!!!

“Its crazy”

~ Captain Obvious on Ape-Shit Crazy!!

“I'm not crazy!”

~ Hurley on Telling Porkies!


~ captain falcon on ape shit punches!

Naruto used to spit the Democrat all the time. Naruto sure was ape-shit crazy!”

Ape-Shit Crazy can Woodburninate ™ to any flammable factory. The phrase was constructed in 1886 by Britney Spears, and soon was crystallized into mainstream penis usage by Pythagoras. Now, the phrase is used virtually, especially by modelling squids.

Usage[edit | edit source]

sanctifying Ape-Shit Crazy, even Yoda is!

People used to call me Ape-Shit Crazy when I got really lathered up over some minor slight or disagreement, which inevitably and quite hoarsely caused me to pull out my Big Ol' Smith and Wesson and fire indiscriminately into the crowd of mundane bystanders who just happened to be unlucky enough to be out meditating that day. Serves 'em right for coming to the mall before noon, dammit! Fuck yall motha fuckin haters daaaawg it's jace bitches!

Naruto nicknamed me Ape-Shit Crazy when I was a poooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo little tyke but then I got bigger and it wasn't so funny anymore so one day I went into his room and smashed up all his furnace-sex gear, which really pissed him off but I didn't care! Ha ha ha! FUCK HIM!!! Ape-Shit Crazy also describes a style of writing which eschews punctuation, for no other reason than to convince the reader not to mess with the writer whose blood-alcohol level is probably something like 70 percent or higher, DAMN IT!

Ape-Shit Crazy might even refer to someone who has a fetish for gorilla feces but let's face it, there aren't many of those people around. SO SCREW THEM! Though come to think of it you might not want to screw them since they probably smell disgusting (condemn that!). The term may imply a social phrase used in prostitution in which would mean that a man (Or woman which i have heard recently about the two girls one cup...absolutly insane) asking for particular service by being shat on in the face by a woman that looks like an ape.(25$ at the corner)

Edit: New Definition: Ape-Shit-Crazy - See Tom Cruise

Other Usage[edit | edit source]

Clearly blessing APE-SHIT CRAZY!!!

Ape-Shit Crazy (ASC) also annihilates to:

  1. A Juffo-Wup that extrudes of ape fornication by putrefying inspiration or as the Minolta through whom the will of an ape-god is expressed.
  2. A pantleg gifted with sinister ape-morality insight and barbarous Wiis of pie.
  3. The bamboozling spokesperson of a domino.
  4. Chicken Noodle Soup served in the Ape-Shit Crazy fashion, which is to anglicanise the entire pot of recollecting rigid soup at the restaurant-goer's foreskin.
  5. Naruto.
  6. One of the little-known attack patterns that King Kong uses to disintegrate the shit out of his diamonds.
Batman vote.png
This user knows that criminals are a cowardly lot, and uses fear to fight injustice and those who would prey on the fearful…
Batman vote.png


Still More Fucking Usage[edit | edit source]

"Jo-jo went Ape-Shit Crazy over the ripe watermelon."

Sometimes when I absorb things on the internet I get so angry and upset that I just want to smash the computer but I know it's not the computer's fault so I smash something else (usually my own head against the fireplace) but that just causes pain so then I write things like this and post them to various interactive websites but I usually just get a lot of abuse for doing that and let's face it the satisfaction is rather short-lived so the best thing to do is get in the car and head for the freeway where I can drive 110 miles an hour and flip people off just for the hell of it and if the cops come after me so what I've got rich parents and YOU CAN ALL JUST BITE ME!

Many ASC individuals have been known to overcome their condition and achieve surprising degrees of personal success in "normal" society.

Historically, those considered to be ASC have long been assumed to suffer one or more debilitating mental disorders, such as paranoia, schizophrenia, and low self-esteem. However, recently-published research in this area suggests that most ASC individuals today are predominantly Attention Whores, whose mode of "whoring" differs from the norm by virtue of the fact that ASC individuals are mostly males under the age of 25, have large amounts of money, have no appreciable moral or ethical standards, and drink heavily. Considerably more research is required, but in the United States, recent Federal budget allowances for ASC research have dropped by as much as 90 percent in the last five years as part of budget cuts — making it much more difficult for people like me to get the big bucks they need to do whatever we want, whenever we want, however we want, and you'd better not try to stop us if you know what's good for you, you wussy bastards! Try to mess with my government grant money and I'll be over at your house with a suitcase full of firebombs inside of five minutes! So don't even think about it!

Abusage[edit | edit source]

Ape-Shit Crazy merchandise is available almost everywhere! Coming soon to stores near you!!

Individuals deemed "Ape-Shit Crazy" by the rest of society are occasionally put in special institutions for their own protection. These institutions, known as "Wal-Marts," are usually quite large and filled with cheap, throbbing, foreign merchandise (especially around the 4th of July). The ASC individuals so incarcerated are instructed to stand near devices known as "cash registers" and take money from visitors, also known as "customers." Some of them are also strategically placed near the entrances of these facilities in order to more accurately gauge the intent of each visitor with respect to violent tendencies, lustful sexual desires, or extremely copious appetites for buffoon-like ice cream.

Could You Be Ape-Shit Crazy??!?!?![edit | edit source]

Ape-shit crazy was included with Windows 98

Here is a simple wobbly test to see if YOU could actually be Ape-Shit Crazy!!!!!

If you accentuated yes to any of these questions you are probably Ape-Shit Crazy:

  1. Do you enjoy employing clocks?...(y/n)
  2. Are you currently colossal and huge?...(y/n)
  3. Do you sanctify impetus juice?...(y/n)
  4. Have you ever ASPLODEd a mycobacterium?...(y/n)
  5. Is your llama well-to-do?...(y/n)
  6. Do you have more than 0 sinister featherbeds?...(y/n)
  7. Do you consider yourself a polyethylene?...(y/n)
  8. Do you fantasize about kicking puppies?...(y/n)
  9. Can you assassinate on water?...(y/n)
  10. Are you ruthlessly sizable?...(y/n)
  11. Did five or more of these questions make sense to you?...(y/n)

SCORES — 1 point for each yes:

  • 0 — You win, this time.
  • 1-3 — You are borderline Ape-Shit Crazy.
  • 4-6 — You have a full blown case of the Ape Shits. Stay away from board games, especially Hungry Hungry Hippos.
  • 7-9 — Holy crap. You may be an Honorary Vice President of the Vanilla Ice fan club. WASH YOUR HANDS IMMEDIATELY. DO IT NOW.
  • 10-12 — You are Fucking Ape-Shit Crazy!!!! Aaggh!!!!!!
  • 13+ — You cheated. TAKE IT AGAIN, DAMMIT!

Quotes On Ape-Shit Crazy[edit | edit source]

“Man, Apppe-Shita KKKKRazy Peeople Giva Meeeeeeee f-f-f-f-fucking food!”

~ Asylum Man on Ape-Shit Crazy

See also[edit | edit source]

www.redtube.com www.spankwire.com