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Hey there to all the pervs, rapartists, people who wear pants on their head and non-hetrosexual people. If you don't fit one of these categories, you should be ashamed of yourself! So, welcome to Yettie's talkpage Jacuzzi hot tub thing, the Happeningist Talkpage of the Year 2008 (as voted for by Yettie herself).. Mmm ruley mcruley rules:

1. Fill up from the top. Pwease, cause that way new messages are easier to get to and don't involve ridiculous amounts of scrolling, to get to, clever 'ey?
2. Sign my signature book! If you don't fairies will die, FAIRIES!
3. Please whore. Whoring is kindly accepted, Yettie is very keen on whoring, and considers it one of the best hobbies in da world!
4. YesTimeTo®... Can all new subjects, message or whatever they're called be given a classic "YesTimeTo"® title? I.e "I want to kill you" Would become "YesTimeToKillYou!"
5. Meh. Don't be a dick, or something, yeah whatever...
6. Six sounds like sex! He he he he he!