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Newcookie.gif Codeine has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.
Katie hate this! - It make her spork her eyes out!

Newcookie.gif Todd Lyons has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.
You have been cited in Uncyclopedian Bios.
Apparently you are "notable". Don't ask me why; I think you're lame.

Newcookie.gif DaBlade has awarded you a cookie for being anal on IRC!
Now run before MoneySign notices that you have his cookie.

WASABI.gif Wild Weasel has awarded you the highly non-coveted
Weasel's Award of Superior Achievement Barring Indictment
Go forth and do great things!
(just don't get indicted)

YAY! Yaysmiley.jpg
You, Tompkins, Got the Last Edit of the Day on March 3, 2006!
(diff) (hist) . . m The Windozer; 23:59 . . Tompkins (Talk) (+NRV)



Uncyclopedian of the Month Award Uncyclopedian of the Month March 2006