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|b|i|g| |r|i|g|s
my anti-drug
This user absolutely hates the Green Bay Packers. Go Chicago Bears!
CHI This user is a Chicago Cubs fan.
BROTRR This user is a proud Rigist.
US flag.png This user is American
...and unabashedly proud of it!
(List of American Uncyclopedians)
Firefox Logo.png
This user believes the Mozilla Firefox could easily defeat Godzilla.
Firefox Logo.png
Windows logo - 2012 (dark blue).svg
This user uses Windows because they can't get enough of your lover.
Windows logo - 2012 (dark blue).svg
Gefahrensymbol E.png THIS USER'S HEAD A SPLODE because of a WINNERness OVERLOAD.
This user is a boy and is made of trucks, trains, and airplanes.
No Wikipedia.png
This user does not have a user page at Wikipedia because they think that they take things way too seriously over there.
No Wikipedia.png
This user is a complete, irredeemable blasphemy. They are Bat Fuck Insane, and absorb at a nostril.

What I like[edit | edit source]

What I hate[edit | edit source]

  • Wikipedia
  • Having my Wikipedia vandalism reverted
  • Gamespot
  • GameFAQs
  • LOSERs (anti-Big Rigs)

My contributions to Uncyclopedia[edit | edit source]

Articles I've contributed to[edit | edit source]

Awards[edit | edit source]

Freeze, evil-doer!!!
Black & White Cookies.gif
You have be
some black an
For voting on The 
en awarded
d white cookies
Black And White Man
Now sing along: “Ebony, Ivory, living in perfect harmony!”
Colt1812.jpg For voting for Is a 1982 Mitsubishi Colt better than a Bugatti Veyron?, you have been awarded one of Cs1987's many 1982 Mitsubishi Colts!

Sorry I couldn't afford a better present. It might arrive in the mail soon, if you are lucky.

AtomicPrizeAvatar.jpg Atomic Disturbance would like to thank you for voting for
UnNews:Boy subjected to harsh criticism, cries like little girl.

The Power Is Yours!
449px-Crying boy.jpg
Dudley.a.jpg El Zoof has awarded you a special 3D holographic edition of the List of one letter words starting with A!
For voting on List of one letter words starting with A. If you hadn't guessed.
Soon: List of one letter words starting with A II: The Sequel - List of one letter words starting with I
Zeeky.JPG Gneomi has awarded you some hot stuff to jihad your own ride! Zeeky.JPG
For voting on Jihad My Ride.
"Never forget: Jihad is not all about war. It is about creating cool stuff and making cars look better. Yo jihad yo!!"

Images[edit | edit source]

Donte Stallworth gets PWNED
Dyslexic handwriting

And some other copyrighted images