User:ArrowFlint22/Fake Africa

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Wakanda is a "real country" located in Africa that one day discovered a giant Stealth Boy that they activated to hide themselves and then no wars happened for quite a long time. Then the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs deposited a mineral called vibrator and the people of Wakanda decided to use it to technologically advance their society.

History[edit | edit source]

Fake Africa was created when God saw white people being dicks to black people and stuff. He created a country by brainwashing Stan Lee into creating a country that ripped of Uganda's name. The country parodied Trump's America except with black people. They built a giant wall to keep out dem white boiz and each time they tried to climb it the wall got ten feet taller. One day their leader: Bill Cosby played too much Fallout and then a giant Stealth Boy appeared and they cloaked the entire city invisible like Spy from TF2. That way they could advance technologically in total peace without any bullshit wars distracting them. They quickly made Wakanda great again after electing Donkwanda Trumpus their next leader and he instantly fixed the economy of Wakanda.

Geography[edit | edit source]

Many people who believe this country to be real think that Wakanda is located in the middle of Africa while others say it doesn't exist and they would be right, because it actually DOESN'T FUCKING EXIST!!! Seriously what low IQ idiot thinks this is a real country!? Its a fictional country from a fucking movie ya dingus I can't believe Marvel is brainwashing people into beli- *WRONGTHINK REMOVED BY COURTESY OF BIG BROTHER*

Rival country[edit | edit source]

Whitekanda is a rival country of Wakanda which is the same thing as Wakanda, but everyone is white. Whitekanda has suffered constant oppression by Wakanda, because Wakanda has constantly stolen their farms.

Slavery[edit | edit source]

Wakdolf Kandler

Wakanda has enslaved all whites they call the lesser people or Untermensch and forced them to work in Cotton plantations (most famous one called Wakaushwitz). Of course this was during the time of their current leader Wakdolf Kandler. The northern part of Wakanda did not like the enslavement of white people while the south loved slavery and wanted to keep their slaves. It eventually got to the point where Kandler split from the Union and formed the Confederate States of Wakanda or CSW. The Union leader Abrakanda Wincoln. Tried to stop them racists and free the slaves. Thus began the Wakanda Civil War. Devastating battles were fought and many southern cities were destroyed, not to mention Kandler sent many whites to death camps.

In the end the war resulted in a Union victory and the Emancipation Proclamation was formed by Wincoln which freed the slaves.

Segregation[edit | edit source]

A promotional propaganda poster for the Blackkk

Wincoln was however assassinated by a liberal at a theatre and the Wakanda Democrat Party passed the Jim White Dove Laws to segregate whites from blacks and make whites second class citizens. They also formed the Black Panthers or the Blackkk which was a very racist hate group founded on the basis of Black Supremacy. They believed the Black man was superior to the white man and lynched many innocent white people who did nothing wrong. To combat this the conservative Republican Party was created to combat and end segregation.

Civil Rights[edit | edit source]

The White Civil Rights movement was formed which said that Whites were equal to Blacks, but the racists weren't having that shit so they plowed down Civil Rights marches with infamous weapons like the German Shepherd and the fire hose.

Eventually a speech and march made on the capitol of Wakanda, Wakanda city was done and I guess Whites got rights.

Wakanda's Great Depression[edit | edit source]

Wakanda was negatively impacted by the global market crash in the 1930s and had to recover. Therefore Wakandan President of that time: Wakfrank Roosevelt entered Wakanda into World War 2 on the side of the Allies. They helped America win the Africa campaign and sucker punched a certain Desert Fox.

Economic Boom[edit | edit source]

After World War 2 Wakanda could recover from depression. They did so quite quickly and went into a consumer culture due to them having an economic boom. Many would buy tons of shit they didn't exactly need.

Reasons to why this country actually doesn't exist[edit | edit source]

  1. There is no way that a society in Africa could get totally advanced purely by isolating themselves. Africa lacks the resources that can be found in Europe, Asia, and the Americas.
  2. There is no such thing as a Stealth Boy. It is an item from the Fallout games.
  3. It was made up as a fictional place by Marvel
  4. It only exists, because idiots who believe Marvel movies are real believe it exist
  5. Toaster

Why I wrote this[edit | edit source]

I was bored and wanted to make a dumb role reversal, fan-fiction parody of the Civil Rights movement, because I have nothing better to do with my life. Don't take anything you read here seriously or your no better than the dumbasses that believe Wakanda ACTUALLY EXISTS, and yes there are people out there that think this. Ikr its really fucking dumb. Don't be like these dumbasses, Wakanda is NOT real and the minute that somebody says it does exist please contact your local mental ward immediately, because they may just have a few screws loose. WE ALL KNOW THAT WAKANDA IS A FICTIONAL COUNTRY MADE BY MARVEL FOR THE BLACK PANTHER MOVIE!! ADMIT IT! ITS A FUCKING MOVIE, and not a very good one at that it was actually very boring to watch. I called the article Fake Africa to point out to idiots that think Wakanda exists on the map that it is in fact FAKE!