Uncyclopedia:Hall of Shame/Mordillo
Features: 16.5
HowTo:Learn Hebrew, My Journeys with the GPS, The Porchesian Holocaust, HowTo:Prevent your car radio from being stolen, Jewish Holidays, Truthful Vending GmbH, Polish Inquisition , MSN Messenger's Guide to Manners, Proper Behavior and Slapstick, HowTo:Pronounce Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Rashōmon, Category:My sojourn (w/ various others), So you thought that using the Euro as currency would be all fun and games?, Why?Watching a marathon of House, M.D. while you're sick is not a good idea, UnScripts:An interview with an Egyptian taxi driver (with Mahm00shA), Kosher Nostra (with RabbiTechno), Röak Band - Teütonic Invasion (mit ÜÜ), Gemeentevervoerbedrijf, Jewish Cuisine (with RabbiTechno), UnBooks:Conversations With My Father (with that other father that doesn't get any sleep), Science Fiction as colonisationation