Forum:Formalizing admin roles

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Forums: Index > Village Dump > Formalizing admin roles
Note: This topic has been unedited for 1384 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

The problems of over-centralization and poor knowledge transfer on Uncyclopedia started out small many years ago, but they have festered and grown over time to the point where three administrators stepped down at the end of last month and now one administrator does most of the work: we have a problem.

The solution I am proposing is to create formalized administrator roles. Perhaps on some other wikis the administrator usergroup is merely a "set of tools for trusted users", but on Uncyclopedia administrators are responsible for a number of repeating tasks that keep the wheels of the machine turning. By creating a page where admins can designate themselves responsible for individual repeating tasks we can ensure that every task has somebody responsible for it and that nobody is responsible for too much. Along with the page for designating tasks we can write guides on how to perform these tasks: so that every task can be performed by anyone. In an ideal world we would have multiple administrators choosing to do each task so they could function as a team and each be individually responsible for even less work, but I don't expect that to happen overnight.

Here is an incomplete list of repeating administrator tasks:

  1. Closing VFH votes
  2. Closing VFP votes
  3. Closing VFD votes
  4. Checking Ban Patrol
  5. Checking UN:M
  6. Checking QVFD
  7. Closing monthly awards
  8. Closing yearly awards
  9. Closing forum votes
  10. Running the Poo Lit Surprise
  11. Running the Aristocrat's Ball
  12. Editing the Main Page/Wiki.png to implement reskins
  13. Managing UN:OFFICE cases
  14. Filling article protection requests
  15. Filling article restoration requests

And for bureaucrats:

  1. Closing VFS votes
  2. Renaming/deleting users

I plan to work on this over the next month in the hopes that it will be a useful tool for the new administrators created at this month's VFS. Obviously this system will be something that administrators can choose to participate in or not, but I hope that in time it is widely adopted and creates a better administrative culture for future generations of Uncyclopedians.

I am not posting this forum as a vote: I plan to work on this project here. Instead I am looking for comments, feedback, and collaborators: especially on the list of tasks as I'm sure I've missed a few. -- The Zombiebaron 13:12, 8 April 2021 (UTC)

Comments, Feedback, and Collaboration

Love it! Thanks Zombiebaron! Personally I would put ban patrol and QVFD at the top, but not a big deal, all are important and should be checked regularly. MrX blow me Emoji-drool.gif 14:55, 8 April 2021 (UTC)

Good idea. I'll work on ordering the list by frequency. -- The Zombiebaron 14:56, 8 April 2021 (UTC)
Well. , it appears Kev is doing most of it. Maybe the best idea would be for other admins, but our protection page is literally a subpage of Kev’s talk page.Gale5050 aka Andrew5 let's talk! See me on WP! Do not click before August 11:25, 9 April 2021 (UTC)