User talk:Cloud-Strife-Live
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HowTo:Survive in the Bush[edit source]
The construction tag has expired, which made the article a candidate for deletion. However, as it's a pretty good idea, shows some promise and it's a pain in the arse finding something worthwhile to feature on the HowTo page every week, I've moved it to your userspace where it'll remain unmolested by admins until you finish it and move it back. :-) Rabbi Techno kvetch
FOXES 13:06, July 10, 2010 (UTC)
Aren't you a lucky guy?[edit source]
To be getting a dance like this:
Woo! Sexy! --Dancing dude
04:20, November 14, 2010 (UTC)
UnNews:US Army in conflict with new enemy[edit source]
Thanks for your contribution! It's a cute concept, and the grammar and spelling is mostly fixed now. I understand the need for this to use the first person, but that detracts from the impression of a news article, so I rephrased that in a couple cases; also deleted your final paragraph--an UnNews ought not end with the reporter's opinion about the future (see also our Style Guide at UnNews:Style). It would be great if the article ended with a zinger--a digression into a completely separate absurdity that you don't pursue. I don't agree with your comment at the start that the article drags, but it does get repetitive on the question of whether the "enemy" actually exists. And I restored the Sources section with {{Original}} indicating that the story isn't based on anything in the news. Cheers. Spıke ¬ 12:39 4-Dec-10
Thanks for fixing it up! Much appreciated, I'm glad you liked it overall.
Cloud Strife Live(talk)
06:26, December 5, 2010 (UTC)
UnNews:Berlusconi urges Italy to turn off the TV[edit source]
That's a good UnNews and I've put it in the 4-Spot on the Front Page. I've done a few stylistic things to it: put the photo where photos usually go, added a few links, and minced words in a couple of places.
There's one big problem with the story: it starts by telling the reader what happened earlier in the year. History essays like to go in chronological order; "news" wants to tell the reader in the first sentence, well, what is new. Then go into the past to explain why it's relevant. Notice that the paragraph that accompanies the graphic on the Front Page doesn't come from your story at all; I wrote an all-new summary. You may scavenge from it as you like. If others were on duty at the Front Desk, they might not have done this and would have concluded that a story that leads with "Earlier in the year" couldn't be featured at all.
It's good as it stands, but if you could turn this around, it would be even better. Spıke ¬ 14:04 30-Jan-11
UnNews:Osama_bin_Laden_loses_world_hide-and-seek_championship_title[edit source]
Well done in coming up with a very quick, amusing story as regards the death of Osama bin Laden. I see you're an occasional visitor to UnNews but this is very good work! --RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 07:10, May 2, 2011 (UTC)