User talk:Banzaikitten/spike

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ponOh yeah. I haven't yet left but his deliberate attempt to start a fight by insulting my article without reading it wasn't a very nice start. --Nikau (talk) 17:14, 24 September 2014 (UTC)

Are you at the spoon? --ShabiDOO 17:46, 26 September 2014 (UTC)
For the 10 days I've been back. All I can say is that version of the site will remain dead as long as the unpleasant atmosphere persists. I'm kind of saddened the place can't return to one, but it won't be happening as long as the ego clashes continue and new users are policed in such a funless way. I'm sad Romartus stayed there, because this one feels more like the Uncyclopedia of old. No Cajek or Hyperbole or Sog is going to come about when a single person completely dominates what humor is respected or not. --Nikau (talk) 04:02, 27 September 2014 (UTC)
Sorry for making an intrusion, but Sog does come about there, although not very often. Anton (talk) 09:35, 27 September 2014 (UTC)
I mean, we're not going to find a newbie like him (or any of the other greats for that matter) while someone anal is critiquing every article they make and basically telling them anything less than perfection (in the eyes of that one user) is fine. Newbies start off writing stuff that needs a polish, not a dismissal, and established users generally don't like being chewed out over a style they've built for years. The proliferation of VFD over VFH there compared to here is a good illustration as to how criticism has overtaken praise and working together. --Nikau (talk) 09:43, 27 September 2014 (UTC)
Actually, that's an interesting point (about VFD and VFH). I haven't really noticed that before, contributing to both VFD and VFH. I agree that Spike can be harsh with newbies (and with established users), but I have noticed other things also. He often nominates new users' articles on VFH for encouragement. I started editing there, unaware of the existence of this site, and Spike helped me a lot with his constructive criticism of Probability theory. My opinion is just that this isn't a black and white situation, and I appreciate many good things Spike does for Uncyclopedia. Anton (talk) 09:55, 27 September 2014 (UTC)
All I can say is people have always patrolled newbies for good work (shout out to User:Cajek and User:Under user and my discoverer User:RabbiTechno). They would work with the newbies to fix any bad articles in user space and never say point blank "we don't want this here" like I've seen the user in question say a few times in one week. Also common courtesy meant once a user had 3+ features you generally didn't bother them with any criticism about their work unless they asked or put it on VFH. You'd say "this is really great" to good work and keep quiet about things you didn't like, but weren't on VFH. Now it's quite pointed that he wants things the way he wants them, says it everywhere, and has all the freedom to push to the fork those who want more room to move. --Nikau (talk) 10:15, 27 September 2014 (UTC)

I may have been first[edit source]

Just sayin' he probably caused me to decide to come to the fork when it happened, just sayin'.  Kamek siggy.png ŤäŁķ ¿Ș₮áłĶ?฿¡฿↓¡ography 18:00 9.24.14

Feel free to add youself - B@NZai k!tten BANZAI! (Meow?)B 09:46, 26 September 2014 (UTC)

May I disagree?[edit source]

Although I don't get the point of this list here, I still feel like bringing several corrections. Llwy originally left uncyclowikia, as she stated because of both Spike and Wikia, but has come back. Funnybony had a conflict with Spike but, if he has left, than both Uncyclopedians, not just one. I saw him writing UnNews'es here, and I also saw him writing there, even though more rarely. Everyotherusernamewastaken hasn't had a conflict with Spike, as far as I know, and got to know this Uncyclopedia during the HMC, so his case doesn't really count either. Anton (talk) 19:05, 24 September 2014 (UTC)

Ok, I see Every listed himself. I don't get why, but he has that right. Anton (talk) 19:07, 24 September 2014 (UTC)
Anton, you don't have to have a direct conflict with SPIKE in order to want to leave the site. Just watching him turn small things into big problems, treat new users (and current users) with a total lack of respect and in general use a very confrontational and arrogant tone is very tiring. It creates a toxic atmosphere a lot of people don't want to stick around a watch. don't have to be a victim of it...just observing it can be enough to make you want to one would do anything about it. A bully that everyone tolerates.
The list was created to make a point. That so many users could be driven from that site over there...and yet no one at uncyclopedia does anything to stop him...even fellow admins and the crat.
We could add more people to that list...because SPIKE was already driving tons of users crazy before the split happened. Part of the impetus of the split was to get away from an old, toxic, drama infested atmosphere.
We could also create another list: People who stopped writing at unnews because of SPIKE. When he was the editor there we saw the same kind of behaviour only ten times worse (it was really disturbing). He started creating a manual of style (after already giving every editor grief) and bullied every writer swearing at them and even at times insulting them. Eventually one admin wouldn't tollerate it and he was blocked for two weeks and most users voted him off the post.
And now he is an admin.
Llawyer is editing on the spoon now? WTF?
--ShabiDOO 17:43, 26 September 2014 (UTC)
Just one thing: everyone chooses which site to edit, and I don't think we should criticise anyone's choice. Concerning the rest, I partly agree, and partly disagree. Watching events on uncyclowikia hasn't discouraged me from editing that site, however. Anton (talk) 17:50, 26 September 2014 (UTC)
Well, I guess I'm the opposite, because only 10 days or so I've returned and he's shown all Shabidoo described: arrogance, lack of respect, constantly returning to a disagreement that could have been left alone, and basically harassing new users. In the old old days (say 6-7 years ago now) you'd get banned for a day or a week for a few of the things he does habitually, because admin like User:Mordillo had no tolerance for any actions that made large groups of users unwelcome. User:NXWave was, quite notoriously, banned for harassing several users with unsolicited VFDs and borderline abusive "critiques" of their work... on a much smaller scale than goes on at the other site today. --Nikau (talk) 09:57, 27 September 2014 (UTC)

I've mainly kept this as a reminder to Llwy of why she left the website she has since rejoined. I protected it at first so she couldn't delete it but since speaking with her I agreed to move it from her userspace. - B@NZai k!tten BANZAI! (Meow?)B 15:55, 2 October 2014 (UTC)

Is she prospering on the spoon? I can only imagine the explosion that will happen when she and SPIKE cross each other's line. --ShabiDOO 18:39, 2 October 2014 (UTC)