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Awards I earned for doing many things

Awards[edit | edit source]

SavingPrivateElmo.jpg I just came by to thank all you.

Because you did something I like to see in this newer generation, and that's appreciating those of us on the wrong side of 50. These days, getting featured isn't as easy as it used to be. Why, back in my day any ol' whippersnapper could throw something together and put it on the front page. Not anymore, not anymore at all. So I am glad to see myself on the front page of the good ol' wiki before I die. I guess its nothing big, but oh well. Anyways, I got to get back to helping Elmo now, so I better get going (he thinks his dresser is trying to kill him again.)

Hamboozoo Lawi Boozoo want to say sank you, ya otta!

You gived your voice to make za interfiew on za front page. So I want to say sank you... Want to see my brobelor? I also take you to za byramids and show you good time, and for you only 10 American dollars. No, wait! Come back! I want money! What do I tell to little Ahmad when he says ya baba, get food?...

Colour Sig For Make Mahm00shA Look Cool Egypt orb spinning.gif 21:41 June 3 '09

Beerpint.jpg Acrolo has bought you a beer for reviewing Why?:You shouldn't take acid before riding a bicycle? !! Kudos!
Drink up, you are gonna need the piss .
Grandpa-boy-fishing-lighthouse.gif Hot diggity, boy!

You caught that fish so good that Necropaxx is gonna thank you!
"Thank you." ~ Necropaxx