This user is a poet, And doesn't even know it Should see them lost in despair Cursing and crying and pulling their hair Don't be alarmed they're just looking for their rhyming dictionary.
This user plays guitar, because it attracts more groupies, and gets more solos than the bass. |
Articles that could do better[edit | edit source]
These authors should be very proud. I will add to this list as and when I am moved to.
Eeek! |
This user steals userboxes from random people's user pages. |
Eeek! |
This user has broken their addiction to Cowbell! Long shall they live and prosper! |
This user hates George Bush and therefore believes he must be arrested and tried for war crimes. |
 This user knows all about \LaTeX, \TeX and such \ldots and frequently types \documentclass[10pt]{article}.
This user is a doggy, and canines at the dog track. If you attempt to doggify this, you will most blaringly nuke doggy yourself. Or the submitter will doggulate your pineapple!! |
Vince Cable and a Lib Dem party member carrying some bombs.
The USB: the much anticipated upgrade for the USA.
It's great how everyone can come together at a protest.
Cos' he knows how to Govern!
Not even him upstairs gets off.
lol, at least I didn't make this one (apart form the vengence).
The name was supposed to be a pun on Collaborator :(
The British public were ill at ease with Tony Blairs close relationship with President Bear
This is why yall don't wanna fuck with the USA!
Brown finally wields the sword of power
Kaddafi Fried Chicken... ever wondered why Colonel Kaddafi never made it past colonel...