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This user likes goats .
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I am a metalhead; I wear offensive shirts, I headbang to really loud music. I have long hair, but am not a hippie.
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, and believes themselves to be Irish

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Now go play in traffic.
B00032G1S0.01-A3CDPEGSIQM61V. SS400 SCLZZZZZZZ V1128051801 .jpg Here's Some Milk to go with that Cookie!

Somebody else apparently thinks you're pretty swell, too! Now go run with scissors.

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I like carrots!!

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Oranges[edit | edit source]

“Oranges are orange!”

~ Captain Obvious on oranges

“In soviet Russia oranges eat YOU!”

~ Russian Reversal on oranges

“My balloon is green!”

~ A random 4 year old on the colour of his balloon

“Oranges are blue!”

~ George Bush on oranges

“Yes, oranges are blue”

~ Captain Sarcasm on George Bush's remark about oranges

“I like turnips”

~ A 34-and-a-half legged giant purple mutated carrot on how he feels about turnips

Amount of Parsnips used as hammers since you started reading this article[edit | edit source]


Spoons[edit | edit source]

This spoon closely resembles Adolf Hitler

Spoons are very commonly accused of being green, happy and afraid of the dark, however the truth is that neither of these facts are true. Some true interesting facts about spoons include

  • They are in alleigance with the evil forks
  • Several spoons were involved in a horrific accident with several forks in 1944, creating the powerful sporks
  • Some people call them mahashmakakkas
  • They hate the spatulas
  • They are close friends with the moon
  • They provide a source of vitamin q
  • If consumed in large amounts they may a splode
  • They have NO SPLEENS!!!
  • Several spoons were involved in a horrific accident with a balloon in 1766 and the spoons and the balloon merged together and made a spalloon
  • They are all Nazi-haters
  • They are made entirely of Bacon Mist

Zartok, the 11th king of Mushnarr 5[edit | edit source]

This towel being once tried to take over the world, but someone put a sponge in a catapult that was powered by 11 cats and he shrank down to the size of a grape and never bothered anyone ever again

Beans[edit | edit source]

cows go moo

Quotes[edit | edit source]

“quotes are quotey”

~ A befuddled talking goat on quotes

“this is a quote”

~ Captain Obvious on quotes

“ ”

~ a guy with no mouth on quotes

“I like ducks”

~ A guy who likes ducks on ducks


~ Michael Jackson on quotes

Cabbage[edit | edit source]


~ A cow on the history of Norweigan flowerpots

“Thy mouth babbles like a duck after eating a freshly picked cabbage”

~ William Shakespeare on Cabbage

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]


Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]


Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]


Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]


Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

Would you like a cat to chew?

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]


Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]


Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

Smoking Horses

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

Evil smoking Horses

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]


Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]


Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]


Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]


Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]


Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]


Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

  1. Carrot

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]


Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]


Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]


Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]


Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]


Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]


Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]


Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]


Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]


Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

carrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarottycarottycarrotycarrotycarotycarotycarotycarrotycarrrotycarroty CARROT

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

yes he did

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]


Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

oh yes

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

mmm hm

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]


Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]


Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]


Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

This is where I got my hamster

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

“he did WHAT!!!?!?@!?!¬!??!¬!

~ The mysterious toast genie on Elvis 2 standing on a pipe of lime

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]


Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

Holy murderous baboonplant, it's Egg Jesus!!!

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]


Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

This is what your life is like when you live with toast

Elvis 2 stood on a pipe of lime[edit | edit source]

<--Is your life like this? Well you might try playing golf with a spatula

The goose is John[edit | edit source]

Mr. Hairbrush: OH NO!!!! It's the dish family! AND THEY BROUGHT ALL THIER MOON VILLAGES!! What are we going to do Joseph?!?

Unidentified pigeon #9: I strongly recommend that we reheat all our cabbagebooks.

Dish family: We will not be the cakeflan. Go and eat your own toasty clockburgers.

Mr. Hairbrush: It didn't work!! What do we do???

Chairman Mao: Why, who the devil are you!?!?!

Andre Mothdream: And what are you doing in my pasta field?

Mr. Hairbrush: So it was you that killed Roonboy!

Roonboy: Hey, I'm alive!

Andre Mothdream: What? But how...the stocking...and the could you open that misinformed blueberry?

Ornamental Clown: I can speak you know!

Dish family: Well of course, liquid is deaf.

Foonlarber: Billefarised Munchkin!

Oompa Loompa #2.5: That is my cork Michael

Chairman Mao: I duly apologise. Please take this fridge as a symbol of my gratification.