Uncyclopedia talk:The Article Whisperer/Archives1

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Hey Max, do you want to put a post on the dump? ~Jewriken.GIF 11:58, January 7, 2010 (UTC)

Yeah I think so. I would like to work out some more of the details before an "official" anouncement though. Also I left you a message after you archived your talk page. Guess you haven't gotten it yet. :) MadMax 12:46, January 7, 2010 (UTC)
No I have actually, but it was too much of a hassle to edit the archived page, I'm lazy :). Do you need any help with formulating this? ~Jewriken.GIF 13:18, January 7, 2010 (UTC)

Sure, that would be great thanks. All I have right now is this sample page I'm working on which, quite obviously, I've stolen from PLS. MadMax 13:30, January 7, 2010 (UTC)

I have one in the works for Independent film, User:Nikau/Independent cinema, hopefully I can finish it soon. --Nikau 14:35, January 7, 2010 (UTC)

Wow that looks great. Can't tell you how long I've been waiting for that article to come along! MadMax 14:59, January 7, 2010 (UTC)

Points to consider

  • Once a year? Keeping the PLS the more important one. We also don't want to put too many writing events, with this one we'll come up to 6 of them (2XPLS, 2XCW, 1 TDB).
  • I think 3 judges per category, like with the other competitions.
  • Ran for two weeks, judging for 1 week.
  • For the best article category - the articles has to come from the top 50 requested (so we can differentiate it from the other categories).
  • I would do the opposite with Best Uncyclopedia-related Article - we don't want noobs to write them, because some of them may translate into policies, and you need some experience with Uncyclopedia to do that.
  • Best Random or Miscellaneous Article - maybe remove that? I think you have enough categories as it is and this one is a bit vague.
  • For the alternate space - you can base some of them on - Template:UnNews Other Headlines.
  • I'd remove the rewrite category, since this is being dealt by CW.
  • In general, all articles must appear in the requested articles list, otherwise we're missing the objective here.
  • Now we just need to find a good name! How about - The Article Whisperer? :) ~Jewriken.GIF 16:17, January 7, 2010 (UTC)
I just updated the page with your suggestions. I've been reorganizing UN:REQ so it'll be easier to categorize. Originally, I thought there could be one category for each topic and then a suggested article from each sub-topic. The thing is there are currently 12 categories, meaning at least 36 articles, which seems kind of high. Aside from not knowing how many participants, that means a lot of judges. I'm trying to narrow it down a bit more and specify the category descriptions. Thanks for pointing out the Uncyclopedia-related category (yikes, it would have been funny had I missed that!). It was actually a copy-paste of PLS's "Best Article by a Noob" and I'd neglected to rewrite the desription. I specified a "veteran editor" as being a registered user for at least a year or more. Does that sound reasonable? MadMax 18:31, January 7, 2010 (UTC)

Ok, I've posted the "core" list of categories. Any ideas on which to cut or maybe merge? I've working on this for awhile but all I've come up with is to eliminate the categories by subject and have three basic categories (articles from Special:WantedPages, UN:REQ/UN:Vital and Alternate Mainspace). MadMax 09:53, January 8, 2010 (UTC)

A couple of things, in passing, if I may:

  1. There's no way - no way - you're getting 30-odd judges. It was hard enough getting judges for the PLS and the TDB. For a new competition, it may be even harder. Perhaps allow judges to preside over multiple categories? Seriously, if you want any entrants at all, you can't have a number of judges that's higher that the number of users active at any given time!
  2. This page is good - it has a link to one of my articles on it, and a reference to me directly. Keep it up! ;-)
  3. Suggestions for merges: History, Politics, Geography and Science could all sit under one category, such as "educational" (religious could too, at a push, to stop it sitting as a category on its own); as Mordillo suggests, I'd leave out Miscellaneous; Entertainment, Sports and Mass Media could also feasibly fit together under something like "Popular Culture".

Good idea though, I hope it takes off! --UU - natter UU Manhole.gif 10:10, Jan 8

I agree with UU. But then again, I always agree with UU. That beating he gave me that one time was quite enough thankyouverymuch. I think we want no more than 9 judges. So you can either join multiple categories or try something new and exciting - a judge per category! But again, I think we need to lower to it to no more than 4-5 categories. So, let say - top 50 wanted ("best article"), two main categories (joined up as UU suggested), an Uncyclopedia category and a misc category. I think we can give up on the alternate space one since there won't be many that fall under that category. ~Jewriken.GIF 10:56, January 8, 2010 (UTC)

I think it's starting to look a lot better now, thanks. About the misc category, did you mean that I should merge the old misc. and alt namespace category or create something new (i.e. anything not covered by the two merged categories)? MadMax 06:32, January 9, 2010 (UTC)

How stringent are we being on the veteran users being 12 months or more? I only ask as I'm < 12 months but > 10 features, and close to 5,000 edits, RotM, WotM, Notm, and nommed UotM, so I wouldn't fall in to the first aspect but feel that I might be able to lend a decent hand. Pup 05:08, 12/02/2010

I certainly don't think a newer author should be disqualified if they've written a great article (especially if its a simple parody of a Wikipedia essay/guideline). The only catch should be that if its an Uncyclopedia guideline that could become official policy it should be written by an "established" user. Someone whose made significant contributions, like winning an award or writing a featured article, certainly qualifies even if they've only been editing for a short time. MadMax 18:56, September 3, 2010 (UTC)

Off the top of my head

Does it have to be just annual? Why can't it be bi-annual like PLA and CW? Necropaxx (T) {~} Thursday, 14:35, Feb 11 2010

One Two more things: Are we allowed to call dibs? And when does it start? Necropaxx (T) {~} Thursday, 14:46, Feb 11 2010
  1. It'd would be great to have this more than once a year but I'm not sure how successful it would be since this is the first one. Also I wouldn't want to get in the way of other contests that might run during the year. I have considered a format similar to Forum:Hourly writing contest which might be held every few months or so if nothing else is going on.
  2. Yes but there's a limit of one article per category.
  3. I've been really busy over the past few months so I haven't had much time to work on this project for awhile. It was originally intended for this summer but I'd like to try and start it this fall. I'll ask Mordillo and see what he thinks.

To sign up as a judge add your name to the list below

For next time, you might want to consider working with the grouping a bit.

Having one as just General seems to general. It has 5 entries, while others have 2-3. It might want to be made a bit more even. At the very least to prevent 2-entry groups. CheddarBBQ+Talk=YUMYUM 19:38,6October,2010