Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/UnBooks:Fishing For Children/photo album
UnBooks:Fishing For Children/photo album[edit source]
The main UnBooks feature article was pimped my rided by this photo album, which has grown over time. I'll put in a link to the main article near the front of this one. Fishing is a passion of mine which is well documented here. Thanks for the breeze! Aleister 15:24 7-10-'11
- I'll do something with this at some point. I probably won't need to be reminded. ~
03:21, 12 November 2011
Concept The idea, the angle, the grand funny of the article...
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Well, this is a nice addition - complements the article well, has some pretty funny captions, but I'm thinking you might even be able to make it stand alone more. As in, still the accompanying album, but something folks'll get right away even if they haven't read the thing, and something that'll make them read it not because they want to understand what's going on, but because they want to see more. Probably the easiest way to do this would be to make a fuller introduction - move the one sentence out to the beginning, and then add a couple more for general background, make it so people can't possibly miss the link to the main by actually mentioning it, that kind of thing. Doesn't need to be anything long. Also, is this the album itself or taken from the album? Seems a bit of an inconsistency. | |
Humour The implementation, how funny the article comes out...
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I don't really know what to add here. They're all pretty excellent, though maybe you might want to put them more in chronological order or something? Although if it's not an album so much as from albums in the order they were found, it makes sense like this... but do set it up more so people still know what's going on if they come to it from Special:Random or something. ~ ![]() | |
Prose and formatting Appearance, flow, overall presentation...
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This may be a bit of a weak spot, maybe not, but the layout is bugging me a bit. Seems a little odd to me for a photo album. I have no idea how it's done online, but traditionally I'd always seen the things with photos crammed into every corner of the page, with the more important ones getting a page to themselves... that said, it might be nice if they'd be a little further apart, even. Be able to take in the one before moving onto the next, you know? With them all centred like this they're quite close together but there is also a lot of open space. Or you could get someone else to make them look like they really are on pages or something... a little css and Bob's your uncle.
The one at the end is also rather far off to the side. I really don't know how else you'd do that for the effect, for which it actually works quite well, but visually all the white space doesn't actually look that good. Just an otherwise useless thought in case you think of something, I guess. The lobster one, it says 'Made everyone feel good all day long.' twice; I don't know if that's intentional or not, but regardless it's a little awkward like that. | |
Images The graphics themselves, as well as their humour and relevance...
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Rather excellent, these, and well they should, being the focus of the album. I mean, it is a photo album and all. A couple could be better image quality, however - maybe just get some different ones. The one they caught near Duluth, for instance - it's very small and has a weird border; surely there must be a better cutesy baby around here somewhere you could use? The Madeye one would probably look better just scaled down a bit, since it's not a very good chop, but still fairly large. And the first image, the one with the Worth 1000 logo on it, that logo kind of ruins it a bit, detracting from the credulity (and originality) of the album, that is. At very least you might want to move it down so it's not the first thing we see, but better yet would probably be to get a replacement - it's a good image, but we do have some rather excellent potatochoppers here, so a request could yield something of decent quality as well.
And that image request thing might be something to consider if you have ideas for more images, too - a good description of exactly what you're after and it's easy to have things made. | |
Miscellaneous Anything else... or not...
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I should get food. | |
Final score ~
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Yeah, nice thing. And please ignore the numbers I put on this thing; they may or may not mean anything. Hopefully this'll be at least somewhat helpful, though. |