UnNews:Trump: How could an Indian be Black?
Former Gangster in Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces, and famous Ambassador of Canadian Penguins, Donald Trump, questioned on Wednesday how is it possible that Kamala Harris could be a Black Indian. According to American History X, Trump said, Black people came to America through slave trade, while at the same time Indians were forced out of American lands. So, Trump asked, how could a Black person be also Indian at the same time? And why didn't the Whites use the Reds as slaves instead of just slapping them around? Couldn't they slap them around while forcing them to boil their eggs at the same time? Why did the slave have to be Black rather than Red?
And why, Trump continued to wonder, why the hell are colors of people capitalized? They don't capitalize little people! Isn't it more logical to give respect to the size of a person, rather than their color? Would it hurt their little feelings if we capitalize the L in "little"? If their dick is huge anyway, then what do the women care if it's Red, White or Blue?
And why the fuck, Trump pondered, would transsexual people want to pose as Jesus Christ at the Last Supper? It was like watching that Tom Hanks movie all over again. The one with Jesus turnin' out to be a woman or some shit.
And why would Kamala even want to be president? She's a female, for Christ's sake. Who will be the First Lady? Camilla the Queen of England?
Boy, I'm sure glad I got all of these stuff off my rubbery chest, Trump said. But I guess if they let a walrus be president then anything's possible, he concluded.
Sources[edit | edit source]
- Daniel Dale "Fact check: Trump’s lie that Harris ‘all of a sudden’ embraced a Black identity" CNN, July 31, 2024