UnGames:100 Tiles

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100 Tiles: the game where there are at least 100 tiles, 6 pawns, and infinite moccasins!

Setup![edit | edit source]

  1. There are 6 pawns:
    Controlled by no-one.
    Controlled by no-one.
    Controlled by OPOSSUM.
    Controlled by no-one.
    Controlled by Fenris2010.
    Controlled by no-one.
  2. Each pawn starts on Tile 1. If they land on the Tile 100 from the main universe (the universe where they spawn), they win the game.

Game loop![edit | edit source]

  1. There are as many dice as there are pawns in the game. For example, right now, there will be 6 dice. For round 1 only, all dice are guaranteed to be 1-2-3-4-5-6. That doesn't mean 1-2-3-4-5-6 won't show up in future rounds, but it's not guaranteed after round 1.
  2. Each of these dice are added to the player pool.
  3. Players choose a dice from the pool that determines how many tiles they move forward.
  4. Turns go in order of die chosen, with the lowest number going first. If two or more pawns chose the same number (when there's a duplicate, which will happen almost all the time), the order is determined by tile number, with the pawn on the tile with the lower (or lowest) number going first.
  5. If a pawn lands on a blank tile, they must add a tile effect.
    1. Tile effects may be veto'd by the Game Master if they find the effect to be unfun or unfair.
    2. A tile also does not activate upon creation, and only future landings on that tile will count.
  6. If a pawn lands on a tile that was occupied, that tile's effect will activate. However, the tile will not be overwritten.
  7. Once all turns are completed, the post-round effects will occur. These effects relate to entities other than pawns that have specific actions that they take.
  8. After post-round effects, the round is over and a new set of dice is chosen.
  9. Rinse and repeat until a winner is decided.

Rules![edit | edit source]

  1. No player may ever be put in a state of loss or a state so miserable it might as well be loss. This is everyone's game! If a player has no pawns left, a new pawn of their default color (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple) will be put on Tile 1.
  2. The Game Master may add rules at any point in time.
  3. There must only be one Game Master, and that is Brown9622 (aka Brown).
  4. Everything listed here and above are the golden rules; they may never be broken.

If anyone wants clarifications or updates on anything said above, please ping Brown (use {{ping|Brown9622}} to ping) on this UnGame's talk page.

Game[edit | edit source]

Round 0[edit | edit source]

Currently waiting for 6 users to pick a color... (edit the pawns list)